Back to Basics & Silent Summoner

in #hive-133238 months ago

My Splinterlands Battle Challenge Secret!!



Battle Preparation


this is one of the worst case scenario to encounter challenging battle rule set, the back to basics and rise of the common plus aditional burden of silence summoner. Back to basic means that no monster on the battlefield will have any of their abilities activated; even cards with the highest level possible will not be able to utilize their powers in this kind of battle situation. The Rise of the Common scenario is also excruciating for me since it restricts the use of legendary cards. As a result, there are no legendary cards that I may utilize in battle with my squad; only ordinary moster cards are allowed. During this game, I'm least competetive at playing commons.

Since neither of us can use the abilities of our summoner cards. I use Quix the Devious, while my opponent uses Kelya Frendul the silent summoner is very bothersome. Only level cards with strong potential stats can be more useful in competitive, scenario driven fighting matches like these. Last but not least, the ultimate battle challenge for the week is the back to the basic rule set, which forbids us players from using our mighty cards skillful abilities. Instead, we must always rely on the cards we select and their stats; damage, physics, and magical prowess. It will be particularly disturbing if we have low-level cards with low stats, as they will undoubtedly have a negative effect on the fight and a lower winning rate in general.


Battle Mage Secret Strategy

What i likely to see is that i have a level 3 Quix the Devious and my opponent is using Kelya Frendul with only level 5, so it means i have the highest level summoner compare to him only level 5, in Gold league division he can use level 6 Kelya Frendul, however maybe he only rent or own level 5 kelya. which had a little disadvantage because he cannot utilized the max level cap on the gold league division.

Level 5 Summoner Summoning Capabilities

To give an example, a summoner at level 5 may only call forth common cards at level 6, uncommon cards at level 5, epic cards at level 4, and legendary cards at level 3. In this scenario occurs, there are cards whose stats cannot be maximized during play.

On the other hand, to level 8 common, level 6 rare, and level 3 epic when using level 6 summoner cards for this challenge, legendary cards stay at level 3.

Early Match up


Let's talk about the fight, which is entertaining to watch because it's difficult for either of us to decide which cards will dominate under this difficult set of rules. Normally, typical strategies employ magic to overcome inherited armor from monsters, but today my opponent really employs range attacks, bringing in two magicians and a good tanker by Diemonshark. As for my side, I utilize one strong range attacker, four magicians to keep penetrating armor tanks, and Drybone Barbarian vitality as a tank.

What appeals to me about the card I choose from Rebellion is Anarchon Bolter, who offers a reliable one-range attack and one magic attack, making it a fantastic way to play in back to basic battle condition. I put this card on the 2nd position it is because i wanted it to be the substitute tank because she had 6 health points and 1 armor, its good support on my side as well.

Mid-Game Encounter


while the combat goes on rolling, during the round 3 i had held my positioning better, i had got knocked out his Diemonshark Tanker, and 2 magician the Venari Wavesmith and Riverboat Captain. The remainder of my opponent's squad was made up entirely of range individuals, which has the drawback that they are unable to attack when occupying the first position on the field and the only option is to substitute as a tanker.

End Game


I honestly believed that it was my own mistake to position a lot of magician on the field neglecting some defence and health on our late game fight, but as the confrontation continued into the final phase, I was shocked to learn that he was able to take down some of my wizardry.

The good news is that I had this powerful card from the Riftwatcher edition called Time Meddler, which has four armors and seven health, making it ideal for defense against range damagers and to sustain in the later part of the match. It was quite an adventure; at one point, I thought I would lose, however suddenly I made use my Time Meddler stats to outwit my opponent's strategy.


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