Rebirth & Close Range Abilities

in #hive-133238 months ago

My Splinterlands Battle Challenge Secret!!

BAttle Mage Secrets (4).png


Battle Preparation


The days have just begun, and I have entered the Scarred Hand Bronze Begginer Cup event. It should be understood that investors and renters must prepare to play with rebellion cards exclusively. I acknowledge that not everyone has many rebellion cards and that rebellion is just a recent addition to the Splinterlands. I'm still searching for Riftwatcher and Chaos Legion cards, which I also need to purchase to wrap up the modern format. I would like to invest and buy more cards in a rebellion ultimately, however for now, I have to save and make some savings on my earnings. I'm extremely active every day so this week I had a lot of missed opportunities to flee on my tournament battle and set a drawback on my strategy and attack positions in the game.

This battle has three challenging conquests to conquer. The first rule is the fog of war, which prevents all monsters from using their sneak attack, snipe, or opportunistic ability on the battlefield. This means that the fog of war will prevent us from using our sneaky attacks on the actual battlefield. The Born Again obstacle is the next, and it's extremely thrilling because every monster you've placed in all of the locations will have the potential to resurrect or come back to life after dying. And last, the most frustrating one is going the distance, which only lets us play with monsters that can attack from a distance. Since melee is forbidden, I should have been ready for situations like this.

45 mana is quite costly in my perspective on this day of combat; I find it difficult to play high mana cost matches since this tournament prohibits me from using any of my Chaos Legion cards and any Riftwatcher Edition cards, and I only have a limited supply of cards with me. I lack the necessary rebellion to combat the rebel user card. that's the reason I'm having this pain in my head. I spend less money on rebellion for now and only play low-level cards of rebellion when I participate in tournaments like this. I was shocked to learn that the earth element was the only thing forbidden in this battle. It makes me tremble so much in this circumstance since I'm insufficiently prepared and I believe my opponent is ready to destroy me in this battle.


Battle Mage Secret Strategy


Early Match up

My choice for a tanker in this battle conquest is Torch Myrmidon, a monster card with the opportunity to attack in the first position thanks to its Close Range ability. It's also an excellent tanker because it starts the fight with two armor and seven lives. In addition to being a strong tanker, it can revive itself because of the born-again battle rule set and aids for an extended period of engagement. Considering that only ranged attacker is put in my 2nd position, the Flank Ability of Torch Myrmidon is quite worthless. The Reach Ability works best when you have cards with melee monsters, but melee monsters aren't permitted to play in this particular situation. Therefore, it is not a smart idea to use flanking skills in this scenario.

Every Rebellion card I play has a range attacker, yet it also has low health. I find it unfathomable how I might defeat an opponent that possesses a strong deck of cards, like Anarchon Bolter, who can strike with both magic and range. then Mar Toren Seeker and Aria Bandit, who have a dodge ability that makes it very difficult to do damage.

Mid-Game Encounter

I thought I had him in the first or second round, but it seems like all of the attacks are going in his favor. He is dominating and successfully landing some specific attacks that lead to my demise and cause me to fall short of the fight. In the middle of the conflict, I was unable to imagine that I was gradually losing the troops on the field while my opponent keeps charging attacks on my monster cards. With only three monsters remaining, my substitute tank has decreased health by one, while my opponent's six-man squad is still fully assembled on the battlefield. I am in a lot of trouble.

End Game


I only beat one of his monsters as my effort ran out; just 1 monster was slain as all of my guys gradually disappeared. Well, that impact was truly felt by myself since I only had 1 monster remaining in round 4, and this may be the last round for my team.

Karst Harpy is the only creature I was able to defeat; one of the main reasons I didn't hit many of my attacks was because of his flight and rebirth powers. I learned my lesson the hard way, but it was a nice tank. Perhaps I can attempt that combo as I switch up my tactics and strategies for rebellion cards. Nice work, and I'm prepared to concede this battle mage secret strategy challenge.


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