Lira the Dark - Splinterlands art contest week 184

in #hive-133232 years ago
Greetings dear Hivers!!! triz here!!


Oh no! I've been a bit busy but I had a few hours off to do this. I did this last week for the contest, but in the end I didn't post it, in fact I finished it a bit on time but well hahaha.---- The positive side of not posting it on Saturday and doing it today , It is because according to me "the drawing is ready now" for the second time, in the process of drawing you will know why I say this.

For my participation in the #splinterlands contest, my selection was very fast, why? I wanted to do this character for a while, even when I chose the character of Queen Myceliathat was my first entry to the #SplinterlandsArtContest this year. This Vampira was the first option but then I saved it for later and that moment came 😁--.

I made a video while I made this drawing, when I have time I will edit it and you will be able to see better how the process was--- Although my head is so crazy that the end of the drawing I did not record it, On Saturday when the drawing "was ready" I finished recording , but today I forgot and did not save the changes I made. Well, it's not a BIG DEAL hahahaha, just a little bit.

 😌 Lira the Dark

I really like vampires!

So this character I had to do it compulsorily. no, it wasn't obligatory haahhha but I really enjoyed doing it, I made some small changes too..

A curious fact:

A friend tells me that I am a Vampire and not because I drink blood ahhaha, but yes! so the character has a certain resemblance to me hahahah.

For this character due to lack of time I wanted to make the face, a torso, but later when I was doing it I decided to make it a little more complete and since it was going to be simple I wanted to make some details that I really like how they look, they are those lines (details , finished, I don't know what they are called ahahahah) that are often seen in the designs of LOL or any other video game. In the armor they are incredible!

While the video I suppose is in the editing process ahhahha--- I will leave some images of the process from the beginning to the end😁

1️⃣ The beginning

I didn't make a sketch I just tried to give a little shape to a silhouette, not making a sketch makes things a bit easier for me because if I want a sketch with decent lines I have to spend a lot of time arranging them and no, there was no time, so this was pretty fast-.-

2️⃣ Some time later

I made some clothes, well, I admit that I was a bit out of what the original character's clothes were, but I wanted to do my version.. this part she looked quite tall, that will change soon-.-

3️⃣ Yes now!

After fixing the size of the girl, she was already looking more like the character, although the tooth makes me laugh a little, She looks like an orc, but hey, it's a start. I wanted to do some details on the clothes, of course everyone has a different style and this was the beginning of what I was going to do-.-

4️⃣ The orc is gone

At this point I had already worked a little on the clothes, the face had changed a little and the tooth from before was gone, the original character did not have a cape, well I did not see it, but I completed the hood. I was also adding more details little by little to the lines I made in the girl's outfit-.-

5️⃣ Everything was improving

In the arms I didn't do so much until now that I changed them since I focused on the lines most of the time hahahaha, but here I liked it better. The chalice is blood, it was fun to do and very easy, with the symmetry tool in Photoshop-.-

6️⃣ I do like this!


After several hours drawing, this one seemed better to me, there was something that I fixed in this step, one of those was the breasts of the girl that I gave them a better shape, I also fixed her face. Something I tried but couldn't do was make the girl have skin colors like the character of the spider, as much as I tried they didn't come close to those-.-

7️⃣ Final Result

The moment has arrived, here you will know why I said that this drawing had two endings. This was the final result on Saturday, today to edit I pasted that image here in this last step, so it is the one with the best resolution..

After finishing, I took a break and watched it a little more calmly, some details that I didn't like came to light, such as the girl's breasts and shoulder, which were not understood because her hair was on top of it. . Thinking about the costume that the character had, I missed some details, like the flower and the red power that the girl has.

As for the background, ohhh yes! Something happened with that, and until now I don't know what it was, I made a diffuse background, but when you look at it closely there are strange spots on it.. So with the same Symmetry tool I made a new background adding some details, blur it a bit, but not as much-.-😂

This is the end, for now 😁

Compared to the last image, there are some significant changes. When I started making the drawing I didn't want something as colorful, but rather darker, I tried to stay with that but add the red power of the character, although I didn't do it in his hands, but I added it to the end of the suit, they look like some sleeves, which helped to do two things at the same time... the hair I changed and did it to another side, so the breasts could be understood better and it would not look so big for no reason.

Something that also improved was the coyar, by the way I did it with the same details that I added in the rest of the suit I made some ¨Crystals¨, I didn't want crystals.


Well, if you have reached this point, tell me what do you think of the two endings?

Which one do you like the most? Tell me, what did you think of all this?
I would love to know your opinion. Ohhh And if you have reached this point, I thank you very much for taking the time to read me 🤗🥰😉.

Some of the most recent pieces here😌

 😘 Gvand

 😌 Fantasy Art

 🕷 Haunted Spider

 💪 Qid Yuff

See you soon Hive 😏!



OMG! 🤩🤩🤩💙
Super brutal!

Dios mío digo yo cuando te veo aquí! Un placer verte Sir!!


Woah. Lira the dark is looking hot and dangerous.

Another amazing work. Keep it up!


hahaha Yeah! everything a vampire can represent!
Thank u veryyyyyyyy much

what a great drawing, any advice for those who are starting to draw?recently I bought a huion H610PRO V2.

Hey hey!! @bryanlz8764
I'm glad to know that you like the drawing!

Wow what a coincidence! I was recently looking for a tablet (I don't have the money yet, but I'm doing some research first ahahah) and I saw about it, I thought the features were decent! how is it?! I would like to know how it behaves, since the seller says that it is good, but it is not the same as having it in your hands!

As for the other! I keep learning every time, I can only advise you something that has worked for me in approximately 5 years.
See, practice, be a little sponge (absorb everything) and try to emulate how others do or how things look, after that little by little you go your own way..

Draw constantly, I used to do it practically every day and it was with colors, but well, I admit that I have stopped doing it so often, that is not good because you become slow!

Something that I really like is asking the person who is next to me at that moment what they think about what I am doing... that has helped me many times to fix something that perhaps I saw was right, because I am simply doing it and the truth is not that I think my works are magnificent (in fact I've never thought so hahah) but maybe I think it's fine the way I'm doing it and no, maybe there's something weird... So those comments they are valuable because they are the ones that help you improve.

See things from a very different perspective, we must try to be very self-critical with ourselves, see those mistakes that are there and sometimes we do not want to see... no conformism, always look for more!

What is magnificent now and that also helped me a lot is to watch videos, on Youtube you can find everything from how to make a nail to how to make a Concept Art! There are also videos that are very important about colors, values, anatomy, color theory and many other things that will help you get better and better.

What little I know I have learned by watching, I never went to an art school... If you like to draw, that passion will lead you to experience many incredible things!

As for the working tool, I use PS to draw with an old Wacom bamboo.

What tool do you use?
Sorry for my late response, very busy days!

oye veo que eres de venezuela,habia visto tu perfil pero no la ubicacion...yo tambien soy de venezuela ,la compre por amazon y bueno,no soy quien para decirte si es buena o mala,es la primera vez que me compro una tableta,el que me la recomendo fue @brataka dibujado varios dibujos hasta ahora tratando de ver cada error y en que mejorar....quisiera subirlos para que las personas vayan viendo mi progreso pero me quedaria sin rc jajaja...volviendo a lo de la tableta,la verdad es buena y a un buen precio,me tardo casi un mes en llegarme

Vale! yo tengo la misma vieja, ahhh si! compre esa que dices pero en Ml algo mas cara pero me llego mas rápido. La verdad es que bueno, hay ciertas cosas distintas, mi Tablet ni llega ni a los 3000 de lo de la presión, en eso se siente bastante distinto, pero algo que no me gusto es el el material, se siente susceptible o blanda haahhah, bueno, a todas estas es bueno que estas es genial que estés dibujando-.. y si! subirlo es genial!

Pero que bellezaaa de creatura, tan requete chula y guapa ven mis impactados ojos!!
Le ha quedado maravillosa, me encantó su diseño. 🧡❤🖤

Hahahhah Wooooow pero que cosas tan lindas dice.. ! Muchas gracias por creer que es bueno lo que vio y fulll disculpas!! no pude responder antes!

Just awesome 🤩🤩🤩. Omg like LoL splash arts ✨✨. Good job!

Thank u soooooo much!!! well, well ahahahhah not so much, but the comparison makes me happy

Creo que hablas en español y yo escribiendo en inglés xD. La verdad es que cada vez más son como los Splash art de LoL (los bonitos eh, no los viejos xD), tu técnica realista y fantasiosa está cada vez más genial.
Creo que le leí por ahí que no es lo que quieres hacer todo el rato, igualmente te queda brutal, espero aprender un poco con el paso a paso que muestras ^^. Te deseo mucho éxito en lo que hagas✨.

Recien llego! ahaha yes! great! well. casi no escribo en español! así que casi no recibo mensajes en español, color de los que son mis compañeros aquí desde hace años.

Si! son buenos! pero si hay otras cosas que también me gusta hacer.! Hacer personajes es genial y tengo algunos trabajos por eso, pero hay otras cosas que son un poco mas personales.

Pues mucho éxito en todos tus proyectos ✨. Es genial que te puedas dedicar a algo que te guste, muchas veces es díficil pero se puede😎.

Wow! Your drawings are really great!!! 🥰😍❤ This inspire me more to work on my artworks and try different art styles. This is freaking awesome!

Ohhh that is fantastic! I'm glad to know that you like what I did....

Like you, I also do that. It's good to be a little sponge and absorb everything. With this drawing in particular I learned new things and that's the great thing about drawing, there is always more to come

I love this!
absolutely gorgeous

and you're saying there's a resemblance? 😉 haha

Thank you very much! I am happy that you liked this tour! 😁
hahaha yes it's true! It doesn't look anything like the previous step, a lot of things changed, it all started with my change of opinion... But it was good, in the end I think!

Thanks for watching! sorry for the late

no one can deny her beauty
(I was referring to when you said she has a resemblance to you)
looking forward to your next creation 😊

hahahaahha Well! if you put it like that!
I hope you didn't wait too long!

Absolutely beautiful!

Hey Sir! Very happy that you liked it!😌

Ciao Yaneee!! Aqui te superaste!! Que hermosa esa vampirita :)
Pero su mirada no me convence... osea no confio en esa vampirita jajajaj que esta planeando?!? jajaj Su risas me da miedito 😅

Dale esa !PIZZA ... asì que esta tranquila jajaj

Ciao ciao ciao Tesorito! naaaaguaaaraaaa me tenias olvidada! ehhh! chico malo! hahaaha .. Vale Vale! hmmm pues no no no no te aseguro que no esta planeando nada malo 😆... Bueno, malo para quien? para ella serás su festín, para ti,,? hmmmm no se si sea muy bueno ese plan- ahahha

Hmmm bueno vamos a intentar a ver si se le calman las ganas de cenarse un lindo gatito Italiano ahaha. Si no funciona, bueno , no me hago responsable.🤣

Grazieee Grazie mileeeeeeeeeeee

JAJAAJAJAJAJAJAAAJAJAJAJAJJ aiutooooooo!!! Dale otra Pizzaaaaa!!! ......Ahh idea!! Dale una botella de Mezcal tambien... asì que se pone de buen humor y se olvida de comer gaticos jajaja :)

Un mega abrazote para ti y tu vampirita bonita! 😁

hahhahaah VALE cariño! yo creo que se fue de fiesta hahha" ! Como has estado¿

mucho bien con tu vampirita :)

Deymmmmmm... You are really good Sis.. What kind of imagination do you have? haha.
This is really great piece!

Ohhhh Thanks for watching hahaha! hmmm to be honest my imagination is not very good sometimes🤣

Sftl 😔

Nice Art.. I really like it..

Thanks so much😌

Love it! This could work as a splash art. 😄

OWOWOWOW that would be incredible.😁😂

Thanks for watching!🙂

This is amazing 👍👍👍

Thanks for watching!😁

Really like it.
Hope it can be mint as splintertalk NTF!!

Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice

you made her too deadly 🙂

Oh! that's what you think?

Thanks @mango-juice

Sorry for the late, busy days!

wow, demasiado con demasiado. Me encantan tus ilustraciones. Felicitaciones!!!

Thank you very much ! I love that what I did is well received by you😌

Buenísimo crack

Ohhhh yeeah !!! Thanks for watching!

Advance Congratulations again for the win, deserving for thropy

Thanks hahaha! You will have to comment more often! you are already like an amulet 😆😌

Thanks for watching!😋


Thanks for the pizzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Wow! What a mind blowing piece, it give's me motivation to practice even more 😍

Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you liked it! It's great that this motivates you! It is a pleasure for me.😮😯😱😱😱😋

Hola señorita Yanes, no se si vaya a leerme, pero queria decirle que voy a jugar pronto Need For Speed Underground que me ha recomendado, estoy jugando el Most Wanted primero para luego seguir con los otros, por usted es que lo estoy volviendo a jugar jejejejeje. Saludos, espero que esté excelente y como siempre, sus ilustraciones son maravillosos y profesionales.

Heyyy Gracias! pues si! ese juego me gusta mucho! cuando tenia tiempo para una partida no lo dejaba pasar- Me alegra que te guste jugarlo


This is exactly how I'd expect a vampire queen to look. You nailed it, very impressive.

hahah I'm glad to hear that. 😍😍😍🥳🥳. Thank you! It's great that you like this version.

yup..I understood it better..yup...yah...yah...ehem! back to the artwork..damn! amazing as usual..again ur work is on a whole other lvl, mindblowing!🤯🤯

Yes! I think that was the most important of the changes! she can be understood and seen much better, plus new light details were added that give everything another view.

Great that you liked it, sorry for the lateness! busy days
Thank you

Escogiste el personaje perfecto para el arte que siempre te gusta hacer, te quedo hermosa 💙

Gracias cariño! Si ! ella es genial! me encanto hacerla! me alegra saber que te gusto el resultado final!

Ohh disculpa! tarde pero seguro! hahah días ocupaos ,;(

espero que también tomes días de descanso, recuerda que eso también es impórtate para seguir funcionando como se debe jejeje.

Heuuuuu si que estuve pérdida hahahah,,,, bueno de cierta forma algo de vacaciones! pero con trabajo!

Felicidades por tu Planta carnívora

Eso es bueno, aunque seguro estuviste ful en otras cosas jaja.
oh si la viste? No fue de los mas complejos hacer, sin embargo les gusto a la gente.


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Where? the contest just started!😌😁
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