Ability Analysis - Martyr

in #hive-13323last year


Hello, my fellow splinterlands lovers!

I hope you all are doing well in your life and also enjoying the Splinterlands game. Lots of things have been happening in splinterlands over the past few days. 13 days left for Zyriel sell & still 10610 BCX left to be sold, No-bot on the Modern Ranked game proposal passed and the splinterlands team is figuring out how to implement that without any hassle, only a few hours left for market fees revamp proposal at this moment 63% (171,978,438 SPSP) vote is in favor of this proposal and 37% (102,542,967 SPSP) vote is in against of this proposal (At least 66.67% of all votes on this proposal must be for in order for it to pass), so atm it going to be failed, if nothing happens in the last moment. So let's keep those proposal talks beside and talk about the purpose of this post. Today I am going to discuss the new and crazy ability martyr on this post. It's not that much new ability; it got released with soulbound reward cards. In this post, I will share how this ability performs in different leagues and some coolest battle lineups.




It's a fire element common ranged attack soulbound monster. Firecaller got (martyr) ability from level 1. It's got a maximum of 4 (ranged attack), 4 (health) & 4 (speed) on max level. Besides (martyr) ability Firecaller also got (fury) ability on level 6 and (snare) ability on level 9. (martyr) ability monsters main mission in life is to die, so it can boost nearby enemies. Good rulesets for Firecaller are: .


Noa the Just is a water element epic non-attack soulbound monster.Noa the Just got (martyr) ability on max level.It's got a maximum of 7 (health), 6 (speed) & 6 (armor) on max level. Noa the Just got (rust) ability from level 1, (dodge) ability on level 3, (backfire) ability on level 5 and (martyr) ability on level 6 (max). As it's a non-attack monster it will be great to pair with (weapon training) ability monster. Good rulesets for Noa the Just: .

Noa the Just.png

Fungus Flinger.png


It's an earth element common ranged attack soulbound monster. Fungus Flinger got (martyr) ability from level 1. It's got a maximum of 2 (ranged attack), 4 (health) & 4 (speed) on max level. Besides (martyr) ability Fungus Flinger also got (blind) ability on level 5 & (affliction) ability on level 9. It only costs 3 mana, making it a good choice for low-mana games. Good rulesets for Fungus Flinger: .


Iziar is a life element legendary magic attack soulbound monster. Iziar got (taunt) & (void) ability on level 1 & (martyr) ability on level 3.It's got a maximum of 3 (magic attack), 14 (health) & 3 (speed) on max level. It's the only martyr monster who has magic attack. Iziar costs 11 mana to cast, so it can't be used in 'Little League' and it's good to use in high mana games. Good rulesets for Iziar: .

Venari Marksrat.png


It's a neutral element rare ranged attack soulbound monster. Venari Marksrat got (martyr) ability from level 1. It's got a maximum of 2 (ranged attack), 4 (health) & 3 (speed) on max level. Besides (martyr) ability Venari Marksrat also got (snare) ability on level 5 & (shatter) ability on level 8(max. It only costs 3 mana, making it a good choice for low-mana games. Good rulesets for Venari Marksrat: .


Vruz is a dragon element common melee attack monster. It is the only martyr ability monster who is tradeable in the market, all other martyr ability monsters are soulbound. It's got a maximum of 2 (melee attack), 3 (health) & 7 (speed) on max level. Vruz only costs 2 mana to summon, making it a good choice for low-mana games. Vruz got (sneak) ability on level 1, martyr ability on level 5 & (true strike) ability on level 10(max). Good rulesets for Vruz: .





Active Elements

So, this battle is from my recent novice tournament hosted by the #LLAC guild. It was a 37 mid-mana game and 3 rulesets were applied, Going the Distance - Only monsters with ranged attacks may be used, Silenced Summoners - Summoners do not give any buffs/debuffs & Armored Up - All friendly monsters get a +2 armor buff at the beginning of the game. So I can only use ranged attack monsters and there are only 2 elements was available earth and dragon. Because of ruleset, there will be no buff/debuff from summoner, so I choose SELENIA SKY summoner because it only costs 3 mana and now I will be able to use both dragon and earth element monsters. Started my lineup with Earth Elemental(front tank position) > Fungus Flinger(2nd position) > Beatrix Ironhand(3rd position) > Spirit of the Forest(4th position) > Lightning Dragon(5th position) > Mitica Headhunter(6th/last position). My opponent also used Fungus Flinger at the front and he also used Goblin Tower which has blast ability and that's what helped me to win this battle.




Active Elements

Here is another battle from gold foil Bronze league tournament hosted by @splinterlands. As you can see my opponent was well known top-rank player JACEKW. It was a 46 high mana game and there were 3 rulesets that were active; Equal Opportunity - All monsters gain the opportunity ability which allows them to attack the lowest health monster on the enemy team, Explosive Weaponry - All monsters gain the Blast ability & Close Range - Monsters with ranged attacks are allowed to attack in the front position. I used water element summoner KELYA FRENDUL for +1 and +1 & my lineup was; Djinn Oshannus(front tank position) > Venari Marksrat(2nd position) > Runemancer Kye(3rd position) > Nerissa Tridawn(4th position) > River Nymph(5th position) > River Hellondale(6th/last position). My opponent JACEKW used taunt ability monster Coeurl Lurker as a front tank and then used reflection shield monster Venator Kinjo on 2nd position to save back monsters from blast damage. As I said above (martyr) ability monster's main mission in life is to die and that's why I used Venari Marksrat on 2nd position and because of blast damage and resurrect from River Hellondale, martyr ability buffed
Djinn Oshannus & Runemancer Kye magic attacks two times.




Active Elements

This battle is from the Silver League tournament hosted by @splinterlands. It was a 46 high mana game and only one ruleset was active. Target Practice - All ranged and magic attack monsters gain the Snipe ability. As you can see above I used Vruz at the front tank position and then I used Agor Longtail on 2nd position, the main motive was to buff Agor Longtail as much as possible and that's why I used two resurrect ability monsters Oshuur Constantia & Adelade Brightwing and because of this two time resurrect Agor Longtail magic and melee attacks got huge buffed. My opponent also used Venari Marksrat on 2nd position and Bloodlust ability monster Grum Flameblade at front position.




Active Elements

Here is another battle from the gold foil Wild Gold League tournament hosted by @splinterlands. My opponent was well known top-rank player ULA.OCEAN. It was a 29 mid-low mana match and 3 rulesets were active; Holy Protection - All monsters gain the Divine Shield ability, Explosive Weaponry - All monsters gain the Blast ability & Born Again-All monsters get the Rebirth ability. So with all these rulesets & abilities, it is going to be a long battle. As you guys can see I used SCARRED LLAMA MAGE earth element legendary summoner & then I used non-attack monster Failed Summoner at front > Orc Sergeant at 2nd position > Venari Scout at 3rd position > Venari Marksrat at 4th position > Flesh Golem at 5th position and lastly Fungus Flinger at 6th position. I used only 2 ranged attack monsters and all others were melee attack monsters. My opponent used 3 ranged attack monster with snipe ability, so all those damages are going to hit first Venari Marksrat & then Fungus Flinger and both are martyr ability monster. So with rebirth ability martyr going to buff Flesh Golem four times. Last but not least Last stand is there to clean sweep everything.




Active Elements

This Diamond League battle is collected from my main account ranked battle list. It was a 24 low mana game & 3 rulesets were active; What Doesn't Kill You - All monsters gain the Enrage ability, Unprotected - All armor is removed from monsters and one cannot gain armor & Aimless - All monsters have the Scattershot ability. I used earth element summoner SCARRED LLAMA MAGE & Same as above I used two martyr ability monsters and between those monsters I used Pelacor Mercenary. My opponent also used earth element summoner MYLOR CROWLING and he also used 3 ranged attack and 2 magic attack monsters. Luckily most of those Scattershot attacks dealt with those two martyr ability monsters and because of martyr buff and Last stand ability Pelacor Mercenary was untouchable.


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Martyr ability is a fantastic one among all the ability and the proper combination with some resurrection can be super strategy in many cases!
Thanks or sharing such a good post regarding this amazing ability.


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!1UP Good work!


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Hello, it seems that using monsters with "blast" is not a good idea in "equal-opportunity".
I like how "River Hellondale" revives "Venari Marksrat" by activating its ability 2 times.
Wow, double revive with "Oshuur Constantia" and "Adelade Brightwing" to activate "Vruz"'s ability 3 times
and "Agor Longtail" became unstoppable.
"Scarred Llama Mage" is a great summoner that gives more boost to tanks like "Flesh Golem" or "Pelacor Mercenary" already buffed by 2 "martyr".👍👍👍