Greta was a very naughty kitten who shared her first months of life with her mother Chispita and her brothers, her older brother a yellow kitten and her younger brother a black kitten, being males, her brothers were quickly adopted, but she, being a female, could not find a home quickly, but the human who gave her mother shelter behind the door of her house at the time of her birth decided to adopt her because she thought she was a cute kitten.
Greta al pasar sus primeros meses de vida fuera de una casa junto a su madre y hermanos, aprendió a ser una gatita que brincaba y jugaba por los jardines, esto le encantaba, su madre siempre estaba atenta a ella y a sus hermanos cuando estos comenzaron a dar sus primeros pasos, los vigilaba y los cuidaba muy bien, pero ya tras crecer cada quien tomo su camino, pero Greta no perdía ese espíritu aventurero.
Greta spent her first months of life outside of a home with her mother and siblings, she learned to be a kitten that jumped and played in the gardens, she loved it, her mother was always attentive to her and her siblings when they began to take their first steps, she watched over them and took good care of them, but after growing up, everyone went their own way, but Greta did not lose that adventurous spirit.
Así, aunque ya tenía un hogar y una familia que la amaba, esta gatita aventurera, cada noche salía a jugar, le gustaba caminar bajo la luz de luna y cazar presas, treparse a los árboles y explorar cada vez un poco mas lejos, bueno al fin al cabo era un gata y como gata era curiosa.
Un día su curiosidad la metió en problemas, se fue a explorar a una garita de seguridad abandonada de una iglesia cercana, ella veía que allí entraban y salían muchos ratones y ratas y como a ella le encantaba cazar, se metió a la garita por un hoyo, pero cuando quiso salir habían puesto allí una caja pesada que cerro el agujero y no pudo salir.
So, although she already had a home and a family that loved her, this adventurous kitty, every night she went out to play, she liked to walk under the moonlight and hunt prey, climb trees and explore a little further and further, well after all she was a cat and as a cat she was curious.
One day her curiosity got her into trouble, she went to explore an abandoned security checkpoint of a nearby church, she saw many mice and rats going in and out and as she loved to hunt, she went into the checkpoint through a hole, but when she wanted to get out they had put a heavy box there that closed the hole and she couldn't get out.
Al día siguiente, sus padres humanos la llamaron y buscaron por todas partes, ya que era muy extraño que ella no hubiera llegado para el desayuno, incluso los vecinos ayudaron en la búsqueda ya que Greta era un gatita muy querida por todos, pasaron cinco largos días en los que sus padres humanos estuvieron muy preocupados imaginando que algo malo le había pasado, tal vez alguien se la había llevado, tal vez la habían atropellado, o un perro la había mordido y así pasaron mil posibilidades por sus mentes.
The next day, her human parents called her and searched everywhere, since it was very strange that she had not arrived for breakfast, even the neighbors helped in the search since Greta was a very dear kitten for everyone, five long days passed in which her human parents were very worried imagining that something bad had happened to her, maybe someone had taken her, maybe she had been run over, or a dog had bitten her and so a thousand possibilities went through their minds.
Al llegar la mañana del quinto día, Greta abrió los ojos y vio que ya el agujero por el que había ingresad, ya no estaba tapado y rápidamente salió de allí y corrió a su casa, tenía hambre y sed, además de que extrañaba a su familia y las comodidades que tenía en su hogar, sus padres humanos dormían, pero de repente escucharon un maullido y reconocieron que era el maullido de su pequeña Greta, se pararon sobresaltados de sus camas, casi cayeron al piso y al llegar al pasillo vieron a la gatita más delgada y tomando mucha agua desesperada, estaban felices de verla y lloraron al cargarla y no dejaban de preguntarle dónde había estado, estaban felices porque había regresado a ellos.
When the morning of the fifth day arrived, Greta opened her eyes and saw that the hole through which she had entered was no longer covered and quickly got out of there and ran home, she was hungry and thirsty, besides she missed her family and the comforts she had at home, her human parents were asleep, but suddenly they heard a meow and recognized that it was the meow of their little Greta, they stood up startled from their beds, they almost fell to the floor and when they reached the hallway they saw the thinner kitten and desperately drinking a lot of water, they were happy to see her and cried as they carried her and kept asking her where she had been, they were happy because she had returned to them.
Desde su regreso a casa, Greta es una gatita más precavida y solo se aleja un poco, además de que su mami y papi humanos, no la dejan estar fuera toda la noche y la encierran con ellos en su cuarto hasta el día siguiente, así culmina la historia de Greta una gatita traviesa.
Since her return home, Greta is a more cautious kitten and only moves away a little bit, besides her human mommy and daddy don't let her stay out all night and lock her in her room with them until the next day, this is the end of the story of Greta, a naughty kitten.