According to our latest findings, around 196K Hive liquidity removed from the Hive-Engine during the latest week. For this research, we collect data from:
- Hive-engine (@honey-swap) - Fee (0.75%)
- Dcity (@hiveswap) - Fee (0.25%)
- Hiveupme (@hiveupme) - Fee (0.10%)
- Leodex (@leodex) - Fee (0.25%)
- Hivepay (@hivepayswap) - Fee (0.20%)
- Dcrop(@cropswap) - Fee (0.25%)
[We used HIVESQL to retrieve transaction details. But we are unable to remove refund transactions of them. Therefore, these results are not 100% accurate at that point].
Total Bridge Swap Details (16/06/2022 - 23/06/2022)
Here you can find the total deposit & withdrawal statistics of each bridge. (You can find the google sheet of total deposit & withdrawal details of each bridge).01. Total Bridge Deposits
According to the data collection, Hive-engine (@honey-swap) processed 49.6% of Hive deposits in the previous week & Dcity (@hiveswap) processed 32.2% of Hive deposits in the given period as well.
When comparing with the previous week's results, Hive-engine (@honey-swap) gained +2.2% more deposit share.
During the given period, total deposits to the Hive-engine reached 620,709.579 Hive. When compared with the previous week's results (976,290.244 Hive), the deposit loss during this week is around 355,580.665 Hive.
02. Total Bridge Withdrawals
Dcity (@hiveswap) processed 49.5% of Swap.Hive withdrawals & Hive-engine (@honey-swap) followed by 35.7% Swap.Hive withdrawals in the given period.
When comparing with the previous week's results, Hive-engine (@honey-swap) lost -17.8% withdrawal share & Dcity (@hiveswap) gained +27.3% more withdrawal share as well.
During the given period, total withdrawals from the Hive-engine reached 816,758.486 Hive. When compared with the previous week's results (645,690.210 Hive), this indicates more than 171,068.276 Hive withdrawals appeared compared to the previous week.
Total User Swap Details (16/06/2022 - 23/06/2022)
We collected the deposit & withdrawal behaviors of each user as follows: (User-wise total deposit & withdrawal details).01. Total Users' Deposits
Based on the collected data, we have noted that @token-converter made the largest Hive deposits during the last week & it was a share of 22.9% of total deposits to the Hive-Engine. @konvik-cold made 11.3% share from total deposits & @toni-point reached 9.4% of total deposits during the last week.
02. Total Users' Withdrawals
The user-wise Swap.Hive withdrawal has shown that @toni-point processed 13.8% share from total withdrawals, @danieljusto made 10.7% & @konvik-cold processed 8.5% share from the total withdrawals during the last week as well.
Bridge Wise Deposits (16/06/2022 - 23/06/2022)
Here you can see bridge wise Hive deposit details during the last week.- Hive-engine (@honey-swap)
- Dcity (@hiveswap)
- Hiveupme (@hiveupme)
- Leodex (@leodex)
- Hivepay (@hivepayswap)
- Dcrop(@cropswap)
Bridge Wise Withdrawals (16/06/2022 - 23/06/2022)
Here you can see bridge wise Swap.Hive withdrawal details during the last week.- Hive-engine (@honey-swap)
- Dcity (@hiveswap)
- Hiveupme (@hiveupme)
- Leodex (@leodex)
- Hivepay (@hivepayswap)
- Dcrop(@cropswap)
Lowest Fee Discounted Bridge Solution
Hiveupme Discounted Bridge is the lowest fee (0.1% Max) swap solution for Hive <=> Swap.Hive. For more details, please refer to @hiveupme official updates.
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