Are You A Creator Yet?

in #hive-1346712 years ago


You write posts on places like Medium, Hive or even LinkedIN but do you think of yourself as a creator?

If not, why not?

When are you going to start?

We’re entering an exciting time to be a creator. Never before has the opportunities for creators been greater. Never before have creators had as much control over what they do as now.

If you haven’t thought of yourself as a creative, you might take a look at some of those who are creatives:

  • writer
  • musician
  • podcaster
  • vlogger
  • video channel (Tiktok, YouTube)
  • designer
  • artist
  • gamer

At one time to publish a video, record music, write articles, sell art and serve a broad audience it was almost impossible. Some required expensive equipment to even create. Now, with an internet connect and something as simple as a smartphone you can get started creating and finding your audience.

In the past, powerful gatekeepers decided who was able to create and reach a large audience. Those times are gone with a range of opportunities the internet has brought. The control you have over those opportunities and the return you receive are starting to overtake many of those opportunities and to your favour.

Here are some of the ways you can get paid:

  • ebooks and books,
  • courses,
  • advertising,
  • affiliate commissions,
  • paid communities
  • creating their own physical products
  • consulting,
  • services,
  • licensing deals,
  • public speaking,
  • NFTs, and more.

As creators build their audience and even communities around their product niches, consumers are willing to pay a lot more to support their favourite creator.

As a creator, your potential market is virtually unlimited. There are over 7billion souls on this planet and an ever increasing number connected to the net. You don't have to reach them all to generate a good income. Build 1,000 responsive fans or 100 super fans who evangelize your work, you'll have a strong base to work on.

As you dive deeper into your creative field, your skills and how you think will gain proficiency and expertise. As you build your tribe, you'll find yourself reaching out to learn and share with other like-minded creators. The network you build will become the your superpower to growth and opportunities.

Publishing online is an opportunity engine and it’s yours to drive. If you’re creating content on Hive, you already have experienced the power to earn through your own creative efforts. Now think about how you can spread that out, how many streams of income you can create.

Make the world your oyster and be a creator.


  1. Header image from
  2. all other images are mine
  3. This is day 4 of 30 in the #HiveBloPoMo Challenge for April.


Shadowspub is a writer from Ontario, Canada. She writes on a variety of subjects as she pursues her passion for learning. She also writes on other platforms and enjoys creating books you use like journals, notebooks, coloring books etc.

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Thank you for the encouragement! I need it.

It's a great time to be a creator.

At one time to publish a video, record music, write articles, sell art and serve a broad audience it was almost impossible. Some required expensive equipment to even create. Now, with an internet connect and something as simple as a smartphone you can get started creating and finding your audience.

Our smartphones are the production studio in our pockets.

that they are although I still prefer my desktop/laptop environment. There are some people who even do their posts on their smartphones. Never fails to amaze me that they have the patience.

I think that everybody here can consider themselves a creator.
The difference being h ow successful they can be at it.

Luckily, like everything else in this world, we can all improve and grow over time with the right effort.

I do put a lot of time and effort into my creation on hive but i think that it would be good to explore some of those other avenues listed as well. Try to create some evergreen sources of revenue from my writing and reach new audiences.

Being a creative is a mindset. Many people see themselves as creating posts here on Hive but don't really think about the fact that content can be created to generate ongoing revenue from multiple streams through repackaging, distribution and creating products. Once that mindset is in place, then being deliberate about being a creator becomes the mindset.

I really liked your post, it hit the right spot and some things clicked, thank you so so much. I loved the first phrase of this comment! WOW!

I haven't read it yet but did notice that it helped to inspire a post of yours. Great to be able to pay forward as I've had inspiration from others for some of my posts.

I am definitely a creator, but not much of a capitalist, apparently. I create because I'm compelled to, not because I'm trying to monetize my content. If 100 people read my post, but I earn absolutely nothing on it, I still succeeded.

Some people are happy with writing for the sake of writing.
Some creators feel uneasy about earning for writing.
And others want to learn but don't yet have the mindset.
We all choose our own spot on the scale of life.