OBVERSEThe obverse shows four Chinese ideograms surrounding a flower in the center with more ideograms on the outter edges. According to what I could find online, mostly from Numista, the ideograms translate to something along the lines of the coin was made in the Kiangnan Province in year 42 of the Emperor, original currency worth 10 copper currency.
REVERSEThe reverse has a dragon with a pearl at center and mountain below. There are English legeng above and below and what is supposed to be Manchu characters at both sides. They are mostly missing on my smaple. According to the web tranlation I found the lettering at the top is Kiang-nan and Ten Cash is at the bottom. The rest of the translation is Booning which is mint I beleive.
The coin is made completely of copper and weighs 7.4grams.
Based on more looking around Wiki world, the Kiang-nan Province, where this was made, is the former historic name of the Jiangnan Province. Guangxu the Emperor, under who's reign this coin minted and its namesake, was the tenth Emperor of the Qing dynasty,