Chinese décor gold / jewelry enticing me

in #hive-13681910 months ago

I didn’t been active for months on the hive after I have moved to the other jewelry shop recently, but still need to spend time to write something, it’s not easy to build up a habit to keep writing after graduated from the school, it will be pity to give it up now.

After few months of learning and picking up in the new company, I have a bit more time to relax during the business hour, and finally have time to take a look to the golds that we sell to the consumers.

There’s a saying that you won’t love the industry where you are working in, I though this is truth, when you are working in the restaurant as a chief, guess you are sick of cooking at home anymore. When you are working in the bank as a teller, you won’t feel excited to see the cash.

I am working in the jewelry shop for 4 years, so, basically I don’t always feel excited when I see the gold, silver or other gem, except the Chinese gold with many nice design. Many people cannot understand why the Chinese people loved the gold decoration so much, maybe you will understand after seeing the design of the Chinese gold décor.

For example, the gold bowl has an engraving dragon on it which make it sounds very elegant. Also, we do sell the other gold in cutie style, the ducks. I think the gold ducks are for the young generation, the elder people may not have interested on it.

Although I don’t have enough money to buy so many nice gold there, but I still happy to look at them when I am working there. The beautiful things always make people in good mood, isn’t it?


@tipu curate

thank you for your support 😀

There is an old saying, "Choose a job you love to do, and you will not work a day in your life."

Agree, I love my job, just don't feel very excited as the other women do because I face to the jewelry everyday

Just out of curiosity and admiration: Do you know what that first bowl is being used for? I know the Thibetan ones from different alloys that have a high-frequency sound. But this one...? I love it!

The Tibetan bowl with high frequency sounds? I guess you mean the ASMR tool to make people chill.

The bowl in the first picture is not for that, usually it's a decoration, most likely a gift for the people whom newly married, to bring us good luck, gold bowl mean we are always abundant on the foods 😀

Here are a few:

I also have one. It is good not just for chilling but also for healing :) I see, so the first one is for married couples...I should get one even if I am not married because I like food and I need stability and abundance. Let's each get one when we have enough money. How about that? Thanks for your reply