To give you a synopsis...
Din Grogu, initially known simply as Grogu, was a male Force-sensitive Mandalorian from the enigmatic species of the legendary Grand Master Yoda. Born around 41 BBY, Grogu was raised as a Jedi Initiate at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. He survived the Great Jedi Purge and was hidden away until later rediscovered by remnants of the fallen Galactic Empire, led by Moff Gideon. During the New Republic Era, he was widely known as the Child.
Grogu was rescued by Din Djarin, a Mandalorian bounty hunter, and became a foundling under his care. The two shared numerous adventures before Djarin found Jedi Master Luke Skywalker to take Grogu for training. However, Skywalker sensed Grogu's heart wasn't in pursuing the Jedi path, and he eventually returned to Din Djarin, choosing to train as a Mandalorian instead.
2024 Niue Silver $2 Star Wars: Grogu "Baby Yoda" Coin
Featured on the reverse side of the 2024 1 oz Silver Star Wars Baby Yoda coin, Grogu is shown using the Force to interact with frogs.
He lifts objects significantly larger than himself as he uses his powers in whimsically impulsive ways, such as when attempting to catch frogs with the Force.
The front side of the 2024 Niue Silver Star Wars Baby Yoda Coin features the Public Seal of Niue.
Coin Highlights:
- Arrives in plastic flips or acrylic tubes of 20 coins.
- Baby Yoda design theme.
- Limited mintage of only 15,000 coins.
- Contains 1 Troy oz of .999 pure silver in BU condition.
- Bears a face value of $2 (NZD) backed by the federal government.
- The obverse features the Public Seal of Niue.
- On the reverse is Baby Yoda, or Grogu.
Here is a 10 minute video on All Baby Yoda Scenes In The Book Of Boba Fett. Enjoy!
Jon Favreau, known as the creator and showrunner of The Mandalorian, conceived the character Grogu. Inspired by the acquisition of Lucasfilm by Disney in 2012, Favreau began to envision his own Star Wars project, particularly fascinated by the timeline following the original trilogy. His creation, Grogu, stemmed from a desire to delve into the enigmatic aspects of Yoda and his species. Favreau was intrigued by the idea of introducing a member of Yoda's species at the commencement of his journey, offering a stark contrast to Yoda's conclusion in Return of the Jedi (1983). Favreau believed that Yoda’s enduring charm partly lay in George Lucas's choice to keep his origins and species shrouded in mystery, a sentiment he thought would resonate with Grogu as well, capturing audiences' curiosity about this small being from the same species.
Do you find Grogu adorable? 😄!!
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