Half of the month of May is already over and we have received the first very ingenious posts on the topic of "Books and your City"!
NEWS !!!
We received a donation of 500 ecency points from @nathen007, thank you so much for that! These points will be distributed among all valid entries, so there will be only winners here again this time!
All winners of the previous contest have accepted to be our jurors this time and therefore also a big thank you to @eddwood @jelenaa @coquicoin
And here a summary of the entries we got so far, they are all so great and worth a look:
books at St.Petersburg - IYC contest - 20 foto
by @qwerrie
[IYC Contest. South Korea] There are can't be too many books... 📚
by @irisworld
And out of competition, because Jelenaa is a juror, but although very worth to have a look at:
My favorite bookstore in Serbia - IYC Contest 5
by @jelenaa
TOPIC for MAY 2022:
BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS - but not which ones you read, but where you can find them in your hometown!
- Libraries
- Bookstores new and old
- Second Hand Books
- where to put old books?
- are there places where people go to read in peace?
- or whatever comes to your mind with the topic "books in my city"
Be creative! And please read the rules for valid participation!
You still have enough time until Sunday, May 29, 2022 to submit your post for the contest, the exact rules, prizes to win and other details can be found here:
Erinnerungspost - IYC Community Contest 5!
Die Hälfte des Monats Mai ist schon vorbei und es sind auch schon die ersten sehr genialen Posts zum Thema "Books and your City" bei uns eingelangt!
Wir haben eine Spende von 500 ecency Punkten von @nathen007 erhalten, vielen vielen Dank dafür! Diese Punkte werden unter allen gültigen Einsendungen verteilt werden, also gibt es dieses mal wieder nur Gewinner hier!
Ihr habt noch Zeit bis zum Sonntag, 29. Mai 2022 um euer Posting für den Contest einzureichen, die genauen Regeln findet ihr hier: https://ecency.com/hive-137094/@beeber/iyc-community-contest-no-5
Ich würde mich wirklich sehr freuen, diesmal mehr Beiträge aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum zu sehen, München @las3rbone auf zum Hugendubl! Wien und keine Bücher @vikisecrets ?
Wegen der internationalen Teilnehmer muss halt ein Teil in Englisch sein, aber das schafft ihr doch locker!
Juroren werden diesmal @eddwood @jelenaa und @coquicoin sein.
I really hope we will get more entries? It's such a wonderful topic, for sure you all have great book places in your hometown, worth to be shown to the world.
- check out the rules
- watch out for books
- take great photos and write about
Looking foreward to see you in the Introduce Your City Community