2024-08-25 - Distriator - Quickly add a business & claim - now available

in #hive-13953121 days ago

Updates on Project Distriator

Quickly Add A Business

Quickly Add A Business

  • As shown in the screenshot above, as a user, you just need to tap on ⚡️ button, to add a business quickly.
  • Diffrence between, add a busienss & quick add a business is - you only need to fill in just few details to have your business listed
  • Goal here is to add a business quickly, make a payment & show claim to business.

Minimalist Form to add a business

Minimalist Form to add a business

  • Just fill in few details like Display Name, hiveusername, city, country
  • And you're done. You can add a business.

Business with minimal details

Business with minimal details

  • However, it is recommended to update business once you've all the details.
  • As you can see in the screenshot above, on business listing, it doesn't look good without needed details.
  • So, it's business guide's responsibility to update business details whenever he/she gets chance.

We added a new API for it


  • We've added a new API & deployed it on the beta-backend.
  • With this API, Admins & Guides can add businesses quickly.

Where are all the businesses?

Where are all the businesses?

  • On beta environment, all of the businesses were missing.
  • We wrote a script to import all the businesses from CSV/excel file.
  • Now, on beta environment, users can claim on newly added businesses.

What's Next?

  • ✅ Add A business - Auto-Upload photos from Google
  • ✅ Add A business - Search & Locate integration
  • 🧪 Add frequently accessed links on dashboard. Need to add links. we've added buttons.
  • 🧪 API for quick add a business - Backend
  • 🧪 Accept claims from newly added businesses - FrontEnd
  • 🧪 API for claims along with custom % for business guides - Backend
  • ⏳ Global Claim History - FrontEnd
  • ⏳ R & D - Server Status using uptime-kuma
  • ⏳ R & D - CloudFlare Tunnels
  • Add a business should reflect on Waivio / SpendHBD
  • Script to import businesses from json file to database
  • Script to take backup
  • Script for restoration
  • Add all guides from production to beta

Updates: Video Encoder Nodes

  • I'm running 12 powerful video encoder nodes for 3Speak Community Members.
  • Monthly internet bandwidth usage which exceeds 15 TB, Maintenance cost, Electricity backup, Internet backup, Depreciation cost - it's all on me.
  • On 2024-08-25, 3Speak published total 284 videos.
  • My video encoder nodes encoded 263 videos from 284 videos published.
  • It means, my encoder nodes encoded 92.61 % of total videos published on 2024-08-25

My Daily Hive Investment Report for 2024-08-25

ValueInvestment Type
0.300 HiveHive Power Up
18.646 HiveWitness Rewards in Hive Power
101.992 HiveCuration Rewards as Hive Power
7.621 HiveBenefactor Rewards as Hive Power
128.559 HiveTotal Hive Power Invested

Support @sagarkothari88

Vote sagarkothari88 as Hive Witness

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Get paid for paying in HBD/Hive & SATs


Credits to designers - noakmilo & josegrech

image by noakmilo

banner of distriator by josegrech

Swap your HBD/Hive using @ecency


I love the updates on Project Distriator! The 'Quick Add a Business' feature is a game-changer. I love these updates, great work brother.

Hoping for the best.

via Inbox

Yeah bro