2024-09-01 - Distriator - Improvements & running backup server

in #hive-13953114 days ago

Updates on Project Distriator

Contabo was down today

Contabo was down today

  • Contabo was down today.
  • We are using one of the contabo node & due to that Distriator was impacted.
  • Few users reported that they were not able to claim
  • So, we decided to run a backup server.
  • After turning on backup server, couple of users were able to claim.
  • We kept an eye on the server & as soon as it was back, we updated front-end with main server.

A Simple Login button

A Simple Login button

  • Keeping HiveKeychain button or HiveAuth button sometimes confuses user.
  • If we find Keychain, we used to show HiveKeychain.
  • Upon not finding Keychain, we used to show HiveAuth button.
  • But it's best to show just login button & hide the functionality behind it.
  • We've implemented this change & it's shipped

More more tags

More more tags

  • One of the user reported that, while publishing the review, why there is no provision to add more tags to it.
  • We took this feedback at priority.
  • UX is updated & as shown in the screenshot, we can add more tags in the post of review of a business

Who has claimed recently?

Who has claimed recently?

  • Now, from distriator, you can check claim history of thedistriator account.
  • Here, we are able to see the list of most recent claims
  • We also provide insight on - who claimed, how much in %, how much in HBD & on which business

What's Next?

  • ✅ Stay Alert & Active for tomorrow's big event planned by @jonsnow1983
  • ✅ Add A business - Auto-Upload photos from Google
  • ✅ Add A business - Search & Locate integration
  • ✅ Add frequently accessed links on drawer menu.
  • ✅ API for quick add a business - Backend
  • ✅ Accept claims from newly added businesses - FrontEnd
  • ✅ API for claims along with custom % for business guides - Backend
  • ✅ Work on the feedback shared with us - FrontEnd
  • 🧪 Global Claim History - FrontEnd - Deployed & in testing
  • ⏳ R & D - Server Status using uptime-kuma
  • ⏳ R & D - CloudFlare Tunnels
  • Add a business should reflect on Waivio / SpendHBD
  • ✅ Script to import businesses from json file to database
  • Script to take backup
  • Script for restoration
  • ✅ Add all guides from production to beta

Updates: Video Encoder Nodes

  • I'm running 12 powerful video encoder nodes for 3Speak Community Members.
  • Monthly internet bandwidth usage which exceeds 15 TB, Maintenance cost, Electricity backup, Internet backup, Depreciation cost - it's all on me.
  • On 2024-09-01, 3Speak published total 206 videos.
  • My video encoder nodes encoded 175 videos from 206 videos published.
  • It means, my encoder nodes encoded 84.95 % of total videos published on 2024-09-01

My Daily Hive Investment Report for 2024-09-01

ValueInvestment Type
0.400 HiveHive Power Up
24.003 HiveWitness Rewards in Hive Power
54.460 HiveCuration Rewards as Hive Power
4.909 HiveBenefactor Rewards as Hive Power
83.771 HiveTotal Hive Power Invested

Support @sagarkothari88

Vote sagarkothari88 as Hive Witness

Support @threespeak

Vote for 3Speak as Witness

Get paid for paying in HBD/Hive & SATs


Credits to designers - noakmilo & josegrech

image by noakmilo

banner of distriator by josegrech

Swap your HBD/Hive using @ecency


So great to get the inside scoop on developments and issues you are tackling. Can't wait to see what this becomes!

thank you so much for motivating words @zekepickleman

I appreciate it

I will keep up my best

don’t forget to support me by voting content or voting me as your hive witness

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