in #hive-1400847 days ago

The people who receive the love of Allah and the Messenger ﷺ, what kindness and satisfaction do they feel in their obedience and how do they become devoted to it? !


Estimate this from the incident that once the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, went out with his Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, in the Battle of Zaat al-Raqqa, and he encamped at a place on the way and asked the Companions, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Who will guard us? In response to this, two Hadhrats presented their names, one was an Ansari Companion, whose name was Hazrat Ubad bin Bishr (RA) and the other was a Muhajir Companion, whose name was Hazrat Ammar Bin Yasir (RA). Stay on top of


So these two Companions reached there, then the Muhajir Companions went to sleep and the Ansari Companions Ibad started razuniyaz in front of Allah Ta'ala and engaged in Namaz, probably these gentlemen had decided that one person would keep watch in the middle of the night and the other would keep watch in the middle of the night. When Hazrat Ubad bin Bishr (R.A.) was engaged in prayer and whispering to Allah, a polytheist man came and secretly shot arrows at him. threw away; But he did not break the prayer, he remained in the same prayer and after bowing and prostrating, when he finished the prayer, he woke up the Companions, who were lying on their backs. Why didn't you wake me earlier, he said that I was reciting a Surah, I didn't want to leave it unfinished.

It is in some tradition that these Companions said: By Allah! If the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had not given me the responsibility of protection and care, I would have been killed; But this Surah Sharifa was left incomplete.

(Abu Dawud: 198, Musnad Ahmad: 3/343, Sahih Ibn Hibban: 3/375, Sahih Ibn Khuzima: 1/24, Mustadrak: 1/258)


Allahu Akbar! Was it fun? What those Companions were feeling in reciting the Word of Allah and in Namaz, for which they are willing to kill themselves; But he is not satisfied with the interruption of recitation and prayer. This is the sweetness of faith, which is the result of the love of Allah and His Messenger.
