in #hive-1400849 days ago

what do you think"

He who fills your cradles when you ask for them

He will disappoint you on your request.


One that is closer than your aorta

He does not listen to your prayers and calls??

The one who wants you so much without discrimination

Will leave you alone in difficult situations??

He who gave you the blessing of life

He does not know the difficulties of your life??

He who is able to do everything

Can not end your suffering??

He who is "Al-Wudud" i.e. very loving

What do you think he doesn't love you??


He who eagerly waits for your repentance

So is there any doubt that he will not accept your repentance??

He who forgives for a small good deed

Will not forgive your small goodness??

He who is the highest and the best artist

Didn't he make your face beautiful and with love??

He who is the Merciful Lord of the Worlds

Will he not open the doors of mercy for you??


He who is patient,

Will he not give you a great reward for your patience?

He who is Alnoor

So will not fill your life with light?
