Understand me before you contraband me

in #hive-140084last month

Lately ive been thinking about my past and how i can learn some leassons that i mightve missed along the road. The truth about history is that those who dont learn from history are susceptible to making the same mistake all over again.

When i looked back, just like everybody else i saw how i couldve handled things better. Not that i have regrets about any of my actions because i belive that i made the choices that were right according to my ability back then.

For instance, when it comes to making friends, i usually dont have a preference of any sort, i just roll with you as long as our energy matches.

It’s more like a feeling because there are those that my spirit won’t just sit well with no matter how much i try to roll with them or make them match my energy.

I could say my instinct is usually right when it comes to people and how they move. However there are times where i just get carried away by love to trusting completely in the other person withiut first being discerning or be sure if their intention is pure or not.

Love is Hard

Actually i have always been alone for most part of my childhood day and growing up. Not until i got to Uni that i started to really connect with people on a larger scale to having more acquaintances than friends. The issue i then had was i didn’t set boundaries for friends and acquaintances because they are not the same. There are people you dont need to tell your business or even talk for more than 30secs or a mins and take your leave.

But my loner spirit while growing up i believe has kind of created a void inside of me that always wants to be filled with companionship and love. I wasnt oppurtuned to see my mom without taking permission so i just turned to loving and trusting others to fill the void blindly as time goes on.

This made me make a lot of good friendship but it has also made me meet with some people who want to use you because of what you have. They were never friends but acquitances that i thought was my friend. Its really hard to meet real people with good intentions these days if we are being honest.

Why this is becoming a day by day discussion is what baffles me the most because its usually those that dont know anything or have ulterior motive against anyone that are usually the victim. I guess the popular saying on — The Good Die Young is 100% accurate. If i am being honest i couldve been buried six feet deep right now if not for God.

In short i really need to start setting boundaries when it comes to making new friends as almost all my old friends understand me even when i dont want to be. And that is all a man ever wanted.

Thanks for reading

image gotten from canva