in #hive-1400849 days ago



This is how I personally prepared it from the main Sunday School Manual* as my own note, extracted and presented to my offline class today, the Eightieth day of September, 2024..

The Old Testament has this repetition from the Almighty Jehovah: "You will be my people, and I will be your God", that demonstrated His personal relationship with the Jews (cf. Exo. 6:7; Isa. 46:4; Jer. 30:22; Lev. 26:12; Exo. 29:45).

This promise recalls the perfect personal relationship held between God and humanity right from the Garden of Eden before the Fall of man, it also looks forward to salvation which is coming to the whole world through Jesus Christ (Zech. 2:11; Rev. 21:3).

The promise begins to take shape among the patriarchs, especially Joseph which we learn our lesson from.

This lesson, tells us how God walked with Joseph in Egypt, preserved his life, prospered him and even made him second to the Pharaoh of Egypt.

We will also see how this relationship was accompanied by faithfulness.
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GENESIS 41:1 - 57
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God hath caused me [Joseph] to be fruitful in the land of my affliction (Genesis 41:52 KJV).
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God gives wisdom and understanding to His followers.
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At the end of this lesson, every participant will be able to:

  1. Examine how God blessed and rewarded Joseph after suffering in prison due to his betrayal.
  2. Observe the presence of the Spirit of God seen in Joseph's life, then pray for such testimony in our lives.
  3. Find out how Joseph's mindset kept God in focus no matter challenges.
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A. The Wise Men Were Stumped (vv. 1-8).**

Genesis 41 should be clearer in light of chapters before.
We need to keep in mind that, in Egypt, Pharaoh is not a person, rather a seat or position. Anyone on that position is the chief lawgiver and judge as well as the supreme authority on religious matters. Some considered him as god, just as some of them who were there considered themselves as god. So, his dream was seen as such seriously (Gen. 41:1-8) coming from god.
Dreams were believed to bear evidence of a special intimacy between God and Pharaoh.

Pharaoh needed answers as a solution but where would he find it?

Pharaoh's two dreams contained some important details (verses 1-7).

  • The Nile River was the source of Egypt's power, fertility, prosperity, and life. The fertility growth coming out from Nile made Egypt to be known as the breadbasket of the Roman Empire.

  • The cow was uniquely a symbol of Egypt itself as well as a representation of at least one of its gods. That means Pharaoh's dreams focused on two critical symbols of Egyptian life and power.

  • In addition, Egyptians Considered the number seven to be very significant. That was why Pharaoh could no longer sleep after those dreams.

The next morning, Pharaoh called for his key advisors: "magicians and wise men"
(verse 8, NLT).

These individuals had shown themselves to possess great insight. They had been trained in the mysterious supernatural arts of the day, and Pharaoh hoped that if they could not interpret the dreams, perhaps they could offer understanding.

Unfortunately, "not one of them could tell him what the dreams mean" (v. 8).
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Questions For Application
What sources do unbelievers consult for understanding and direction when they are troubled?

How can you help an unbelieving friend or relative when he or she needs direction or understanding?
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B. Joseph: Forgotten No More (vv. 9-13).

About two years ago Joseph interpreted a dream for Pharaoh's cupbearer, and the chief baker, it happened exactly, so the two persons were leaving the prison yard, Joseph begged the flavoured to introduce him to the king, but he forgot Joseph totally (Gen. 41:1). But with Pharaoh's crisis, the cupbearer suddenly remembered Joseph.

Verses 10-13 recount the events of Genesis 40. Note that in 40:8, Joseph had not only stated what every Egyptian would believe about dreams, but he also clarified that only God would be able to bring the answer: "Do not interpretations belong to God (Gen. 40:8)?"

It is difficult to imagine how the Cupbearer could forgot Joseph's request and his promise to introduce him to Pharaoh for a whole two years.

Joseph correctly discerned not only that Pharaoh would release and promote the cupbearer but that the chief baker would be executed because of Pharaoh's wrath (40:9-13,16-19). But this two-year delay proves God's sovereignty for His perfect timing.

At the fullness of time, the Almighty Jehovah ordered Pharaoh to dream. He was desperate of a good interpretation. For such to be achieved, an interpreter is needed. Pharaoh was ready to listen to anyone with divine insight or knowledge, not minding where he came from or his condition. God had worked things out, and in this key moment, Joseph could be called upon to do what no magician could do.
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Questions For Application
Why do you think the cupbearer forgot about Joseph, even after he had interpreted such an important dream?

How can we remain faithful when we don't understand God's timing?
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A. Joseph Alone Can Answer Pharaoh's Question (Gen. 41:14-32)

Hearing the cupbearer's story, Pharaoh quickly called for Joseph..

  • Joseph's change of clothes reflected a status changed; he did not appear to Pharaoh as a prisoner.
  • He stood as a free man and an advisor to the king.

After Pharaoh explained the situation, Joseph stated that only God could provide the answer.

Joseph's implication is clear:

  • His God had given these dreams to Pharaoh, and
  • His God alone could tell Pharaoh what the dreams meant (verse 16).

Pharaoh recounted the dreams with a key point of added information. Describing the cows, he stated, "I've never seen such sorry-looking animals in all the land of Egypt (verse 19, NLT). This indicated Pharaoh was an eyewitness to what was happening to tin Egypt in his dream. This great king, believed to be connected to the divine if not divine himself, was incapable of intervening. He could only watch as the scrawny cows ate up the healthy cows and remained as scrawny as before (verse 21) and the shrivelled grain devoured the healthy grain (verses 22-24).

Is it any wonder the darkness of these dreams so deeply upset Pharaoh, the most powerful individual in Egypt?

Joseph was quick and concise in his explanation, conveying a clear sense that God was speaking through Pharaoh.

He spoke as an interpreter, not as a magician like the others. There was no mystery for him to discern here. He simply spoke the words God gave him (verses 25-27).

Each dream carried the same message:

  • Fat, rich, and prosperous things would be devoured by lean, withered, and sickly things.
  • Egypt would enjoy seven years of prosperity followed by seven years of famine so severe that the prosperity would quickly fade from memory (verses 28-31).
  • The most sobering news came in verse 32: "As for having two similar dreams, it means that these events have been decreed by God, and he will soon make them happen" (NLT).

The Almighty God who rules the nations, whose Sovereignty is above kings and Pharaohs, would soon bring His Words to pass.

Egypt was in great crisis, and preparations needed to be made without delay.
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Questions For Application
Why was it important for Pharaoh to understand Joseph's God sent the dreams and would also send the interpretation?

How can we ensure God gets the credit for the things He does in our lives?
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B. Joseph Instructs Pharaoh (vv. 33-36).

Joseph's next statement to the King of Egypt displayed a certain amount of bravery (Gen. 41:33-36).

He gave unfiltered, unsolicited advice to a ruler with such powerful and irrefutable authority.

But Joseph fearlessly spoke the word of God with authority to Pharaoh.

Joseph's advice displayed unarguable wisdom, and the steps he outlined were logical solutions to the problem:

  • Find someone wise to manage the work that needs to be throughout Egypt.
  • Appoint supervisors to oversee the storage of twenty percent of the crops in each of the good years.
  • Make sure the storage is guarded.

This will ensure adequate food for the seven lean years. Note that verse 36 ends on an ominous prophecy:

"Otherwise this famine will destroy the land" (NLT). The future existence of this mighty nation rested upon the Words of a Hebrew slave.

As we ponder these verses, it is important to note Joseph's courage. He spoke specifically regarding the dreams, then outlined specific steps in response.

Folowing these steps
would alter Egypt's economy and no doubt uproot the way society functioned.

Had he been wrong, Pharaoh would have ended his life without a second thought. We don't face such high stakes today, of Course.

But there are times in life when we need Courage to surrender to God and trust His plan for us.

May we reflect the courage of Joseph as we step out in faith.
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Questions For Application
Describe a time when you needed to be brave in your faith.

How can we Overcome doubt and the desire to take matters into our own hands when surrendering to God?
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A. Joseph Is Elevated (vv. 37-46)

Not only was Pharaoh pleased with Joseph's suggestions, but he recognized something special about Joseph:

Can we find anyone else like this man so obviously filled with the spirit of God? (Gen. 41:38, NLT).

This marks only the second time in Genesis where "the Spirit of God" is mentioned (see 1:2). In this case, the phrase is used to describe God's presence and anointing upon Joseph's life. Throughout the Old Testament, the Spirit of God is described as being at work in the lives of godly people, gifting them in extraordinary ways for God's purposes (see Exodus 31:1-3; Numbers 11:16-17; Judges 6:34; Micah 3:8). Joel 2:28-29 prophesies of the Spirit being poured out on all of God's people in the Church Age which includes today (Acts 2:16-18).

These words are especially surprising here, since an Egyptian Pharaoh, himself viewed as deity, observed the Spirit of God in an enslaved Hebrew.

Clearly, he saw something special in Joseph that not even his own magicians and counsellors had.

Pharaoh said to Joseph, "No one else is as intelligent or wise as you are" (Genesis 41:39, NLT).

"Inteligence" here referred to discernment and understanding. Through the enlightenment of the Spirit, Joseph grasped the critical nature of what was going on and knew how to respond.

Joseph was then placed in charge of Pharaoh's court:

"All my people will take orders from you" (verse 40, NLT).

Only Pharaoh himself would outrank Joseph in all of Egypt. What an incredible turnaround from the prison cell Joseph had lived in until that very morning.

To seal the proclamation,

  • Joseph was dressed in royal attire and

  • Joseph was given Pharaoh's signet ring and new clothing and jewelry.

  • The people were instructed to kneel in reverence for him as he rode in his official chariot (v. 41-43).

  • Joseph was given a new name as well as a wife (v. 45).

  • Joseph had received an unsurpassed level of honour and authority in Egypt.

This marriage connected Joseph with the most powerful families in Egypt. The daughter of the Chief of Egyptian gods.

Joseph's new name, Zaphenath-paneah (likely meaning "God speaks and lives").

This would be in keeping with his new identity. Joseph's new name, much |ike Daniel's new name Belteshazzar in Daniel 1:7, was a pagan name handed down from a pagan king, but it in no way implied an acceptance of pagan religion.

At this time, Joseph was thirty years old (v. 46). He had risen from enslavement to the highest ranks of Egypt in only thirteen years. Such was only possible through God's favour and His miraculous plan for His people.

God also stations us in various roles as He builds His kingdom.

Sometimes our role places us in lofty positions that may include status or even wealth. But we must take care not to adopt the pagan values and priorities of the world around us.

Like Joseph and Daniel, we must strive to stay free from the stain of this world. .
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Questions For Application
How do Christians show the world the Spirit of God is working within us?

What role do you believe you fill in the kingdom of God?
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B. Joseph Remembers the Lord (vv. 47-57).

After inspecting the entire land of Egypt (Genesis 41:46), Joseph went about the work of preparing for the coming famine. During the years of abundance, he put away immense stores of food, so much that there was too much to measure" (v. 49).

Just as Joseph had said, a devastating famine struck Egypt and the surrounding nations. Because of Joseph's God-given wisdom, he was able to distribute food to the people of Egypt and those of other nations as well (vv. 53-57).

Through all of this, Joseph gave glory to God. As he named his two sons Manasseh and Ephraim (vv. 50-52), he memorialized God's blessings and His consolation and compassion.

As we follow his story, we will see how these blessings given to Joseph ultimately led to God's great plan to bless all nations of the world.
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Question For Application
Read vv. 51-52 again. What are the meanings of Joseph's sons?

  • Manasseh means "cause to forget" and Ephraim means "fruitful"

These tell us about how God blessed Joseph, and how He blesses us?


Sometimes we may wonder how we can make an impact on the world around us and the people who so desperately need Jesus. Joseph reminds us that our faithfulness is a testimony the Lord can use to help us minister to others.


Ask other Christians to talk about the ways God has blessed them, giving them an opportunity to express gratitude and encouragement.

Find a loved one/acquaintance who is struggling with a problem or issue, and minister to such by sharing God's love and offering prayer.

Pray with one another that God will help you stand strong and faithful when challenged by hard times and when blessed by good times.


The original production and publication of this extracts belong to Sunday School Department of Assemblies of God Nigeria, as shown on the front page. We teach in the church and social media available.



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