Which set of 3 Rs do you follow?

in #hive-1400845 months ago

Which set of 3 Rs do you follow?

This is an article written for the #mayinleo series with today being Day 14 ....

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, do you apply this rule? Do you do it at home? It is part of the schooling?

To which other areas can we apply this concept? Is it really on our hands to make a change or is it on the big companies?

First of all we are going back to school!

I don't even know if they teach this at school anymore. To be perfectly fluffing frank I have no clue what gets taught at school now!

We were taught the 3 three Rs both at home and in school...

The three R's

Can you guess what they are .... Reading wRiting and aRithmetic

Back to the drawing board

Well in this case it is the black board or is it a green board, fluff it the board with chalk marks on in the classroom of the wee lion cubs in the AI lead image I generated...

One of the figures represents the other 3 Rs!

source pixabay

Here in the UK everyone is well aware of the sort of recycling above, and we shall come back to it in a second. It has been around for many years.

So what do these three Rs stand for ....

source Pixabay


Do you do this?

I have always been a fan of REDUCE, in fact we moved from a four bed house down to a 1 bedroomed flat and it was fantastic. The charity shops had a field day. It is very easy to collect things.

Of course we have commercialism thrown at us left right and centre. But fluff it, the bottom line is that the buck stops with us.

Back to shopping, there was a phenomena here about BOGOFs.... It stands for Buy One Get One Free... Hovever it cause so much waste especially in food. Do you really need that extra bag of potatoes before they spoil etc....

Both Mrs T and I have been materialistic, I have had the cabriolet sports car the jetting off on exotic holidays over the world. We had a big carbon footprint so now have reduce as much as possible.

It won't rectify what enissions we created but by heck it is so much better than most people.

We Got rid of our car in COVID and generally don't miss it. The biggest things is the convenience. But more often than not we can either walk or take public transport or taxis. If for a few days then we can hire a car.

We can't moan about climate change and then sit back in our big houses recounting tales of our Sunday drives on a whim.

The world needs looking after.

Mrs T is part Cherokee and part Choktaw native american and we often discuss their ways of things...

This quote is quite appropriate.

"The Great Spirit is in all things. He is in the air we breathe. The Great Spirit is our Father, but the Earth is our Mother.

So when you do things .... think if that is how you would treat your Mother!

I think I have learnt to reuse being with Mrs T for all these years. My grandmother was a great one for resusing things.

Now we seem to upcycle things or repurpose things.

Nothing wrong with that.

I remember a few years ago Mrs T coming back home and hauling me off for a quick walk to the beach or so I thiught....

Oh no ... it was to look at this!

Well it was a wee desk and next thing I knew I was carrying on my back home. Mrs T cleaned it up and now it is a desk for me in the nook in the bedroom.

So yes we love to Reuse things now.

Charity shops are another wonderful place to donate things or buy some second hand things.

The landfills are full of crap we don't need....

Now back to the recycling bins. These get picked up by the council from the side of your road. They have been around for years.

The colours vary from city to city etc for us as you can see the green one is for metals and plastics and the black one for paper and cardboard.

This is something so fluffing simple to do. Just do it. One of my biggest bugbears whenever I am abroad is people not making an effort to know the local language, rules and customs.

I mean you are in their country so repect it and do your bit.

Likewise it pisses me off when people come here and make no fluffing effort. So when I see bins overflowing with shite it irks me.

We have people down the street and I have had words with them. They make no fluffing effort, they have black bags full of crap all over the steet that the seagulls get into. It is disgusting and they just plead ignorance.

Ah well I get the council on to them in the end. There is only so much being kind you can do before needing to take further action!

So yes it is in our hands to Reduce Reuse and Recycle, it is too easy to blame companies and not take the responsibilty ourselves. After all it is a blame society we live in, and fluff me I can't be at fault now can I!!!!

Sources and Reference documents

This article is an entry for this month's Inleo writing initiative.

You can find all the details in May Inleo - Monthly Prompts

Todays prompt is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, do you apply this rule? Do you do it at home? It is part of the schooling?

All ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated, note lead image is generated with AI on pixlr .com from a prompt by me.

## **
### **Haste Ye Back!**
@tengolotodo.leo May 14th 2024

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hi @tengolotodo.leo,
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it's indeed everyone's duty to keep the environment clean. We most time blame companies and government yet those little waste mishandling we do goes a long way too.

Amazing write on Reduce, re-use and recycle. That desk from the beach is beautiful! And yes, Charity shops are a wonderful way to donate things or find things you can re-use.

Living your values, Ed. So great to see. Keep it lean, clean, and simple. We only have one recycling bin that gets collected and it is a mix of glass, metal, card, and plastics. But I believe so many recycling loads are tainted with non-recyclables, that very little of what we send to be recycled ends up being recycled... it just ends up in landfill. Very sad. We need laws like Germany. They have been hot on recycling for decades. And if you put a foot wrong, you get fined! People sadly are too selfish and need a consequence to make them do the right thing!

I read your post through Dreemport this evening.


People should try to respect local customs, and try to speak the language. When I lived in countries that spoke Spanish, I spoke Spanish. That's just common sense... And trying to keep the place clean is common courtesy. What's the world coming to?