When I plan

in #hive-1400845 months ago

Right now I feel like running a warm bath with scented bubbles then lying inside of the bathtub to ease the tension in the deep recess of my bones but I don't have a bathtub now. So standing for a warm bath could do just fine, that will be after this post.

Here is my favourite colour pink if it does relate to my personality it should give off a fun lady who would love to fly and blossom in who she truly is.

It has been a whole lot of planning for this new month - as new months are my favourite periods of new chapters after new weeks of course.
Whenever a new month emerges I feel I could conquer the world with beautiful ideas and aspirations to achieve my goals.

For this month my strategies are…

Drawing out a Vision Board

I am the vision board sort who reads books to keep abreast with awesome ideas and for this month I am going all out.
I matched up pictures of my dreams on a board and saved the picture board on my laptop as a screen saver.
I made a voice not of my dreams. With positive thoughts, vibes and outlook.

This brings me to the next one which has me doing practical paperwork like a child again.

I wrote out words that kept me going and knocked off all the lies I had heard and believed. The locked-up lies in my subconscious need a whole lot more than just saying these words once.
Seeing them and repeating them over and again have and will do wonders for my mood and drive.
I made so many and one of my favourites is this,

I never stop researching to reach my goals in fulfilling my purpose.
I research through the books I read (presently reading The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale) and browsing through the net to get all the information pertaining to my line of work and dreams that will propel me to my desired goal because I know this truth ’I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’
Woah! Where did that energy come from?
I was so tired and writing this just reignited a new surge of energy. :)

Happy new month lovelies. Have a blast.✨💕

®️Whitney Alexander


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Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - April 2024 Winners List
Hive Power Up Day - May 1st 2024

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May the Hive Power be with you!

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Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - April 2024 Winners List
Hive Power Up Day - May 1st 2024