Hello, gamers of Hive. I hope you all are doing well.
Today, I will share the continuation of my adventure through Svartalfheim with Kratos, Atreus, and Mimir's quest to find a new character that Durlin has asked us to find. The journey, is, as usual, filled with troublemakers.
Without further ado, let's begin!
The dynamic trio entered the city of Nidavellier, where Sindri'shop was closest to the port. There, Sindri imbued Atreus's bow with a special tuning that would have a sonic burst on impact. Later, they explored the city and found an inhabitant inside supposed Durlin's abode. The guy directed them to Durlin's workshop. I had 2 choices: either meet Durlin or finish the side quests. I decided to complete the side quests first, being a true gamer. In the end, I was just outside to where Durlin was.
Durlin had no idea who was at his doorstep until he put his book down... and then he had mistaken them for other intruders in the wind. he told them that he wasn't going to agree to Estrid's requests.
He took an interest in the axe that Kratos carried and asked if he had hacked her head away using it. Kratos clarified the despicable accusation by screaming that it was her wife's who was now dead. Atreus asked if he knew where the All-Father had Tyr's locked up in the mines.
This was when he remembered the rebellion days with Faye and himself on the lead. He took out Dinner, the octopus, and told that the best ones were dead, the ones left were only suffering for it. Because of that, he also remembered his allegiance to the All-Father. He quickly wrote down a bill on a scroll of 2 demerit coins for damage to his shop and asked them to leave.
More people joined in the stream as I started to get to the end of this conversation. Dinner tossed Atreus a stone before they left it.
Outside were a bunch of enemies waiting for me. And then, a lot more trekking before I got into this fancy cart with brakes. It only took us a few ways before coming to a halt as it was the end of the line.
A few more here and there and I found myself in the den of a Dreki. this one was dead.
This one was definitely not dead, took me about 10 minutes to put this one to rest.
This is also the first time I received a light runic attack for my Blades of Chaos. Seeing this, it could be useful since it has such a low cooldown timer.
After the battle, I had to take a long route to another cart and encountered a few enemies. This time, we found a few enemies while we were traveling. They came in huge numbers and eventually, the cart sped up to such an extent that it crashed after its brakes broke.
They couldn't rest much as a troll(Daudi) had found them. In the cutscene, Kratos took care of it by himself, thankfully, because I was not ready to take down a boss monster right after I just finished one that took about 10 minutes.
Afterwards, we found Sindri yet again. This time, he had a trinket that would help us illuminate dark places since we were headed to the mines.
The smell was nasty, as told by the gods here. I feel happy that the tech that would allow players to smell is not out yet.
And before entering the main chamber of the mines, I had to face this sub-boss-level enemy. It spawned little salamanders that were best for distracting me. Died a few times before finally killing it.
And that's it for today. I am ecstatic to find Durlin and that we will find Tyr here. The only thing I am worried about is the puzzles. I was worried they would be hectic since my friends told me that some were very tricky and needed special attention. I hope to finish them in one go next time.
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