LABFUND shares available for a limited time only

in #hive-1402172 years ago

The game is afoot! dCity has released human experimentation, and let me tell you - it is extremely profitable! As long as you have the Experimental Labs to boost your probabilities.


I have been thinking for awhile about the idea of a fresh money investment into dCity. If I could recommend people to buy the dip on dCity, what should they buy? I have already taken the time to recommend a starter city and get a few friends set up with one. I still think that these citizen-mining cities are a great idea - especially with what we have going on right now! The citizen loop is almost complete with the human experimentation, and there is continuous high-demand for citizen cards right now!

So I spent the last few days getting @superlab set up, as seen above.

Putting a floor on Citizen NFTs (and sweeping it)

@superlab's current mission is to continue to 'sweep the floor' of dCity citizen NFTs, we have already experimented on more than three thousand citizens, and as you can see above we have 600 war shares to show for it. This is an extremely profitable endeavor and we are benefiting greatly by taking a first mover advantage.

For the time being, there are still some of the 10,000 LABFUND tokens available on the HIVE-ENGINE marketplace, I set this project up in a tokenized way so as to let the several funds I manage invest in parallel. I am letting you all know that for the time being, the sale is open to the public. There will not be more than 10k tokens, and I might even close it before that. This is a niche play and honestly I don't think a 100k HIVE investment would do anything more than lower the apr that we can achieve.

APR? What are we thinking?

There are a lot of variables that go into final APR numbers. One big one is the amount of 'throughput' we can get to the idea, we have made an investment in equipment upfront (the Experimental labs and other cards to make an actual city for the Super Citizens to live), and now we need to push through hopefully upwards of 50k citizens, of which we are not yet 10% of the goal.

A lot of the calculus is based on SIM price. I hope to get in and out quickly with this play (at least our original capital) before letting any significant portion ride due to the risks with SIM price. The final numbers are almost completely determined by the number of Super Soldiers that we get, which is partially luck based. So far we have rolled really well and have 31 Super Soldiers.

In conclusion, while my goal is to aim for 200% apr, I will be very attentive to hopefully get the initial capital (in HIVE) out within six months before letting it ride, even if that impacts the final numbers.

Another token?

LABFUND is the perfect speculative token for you if you are interested in investing into the new dCity developments during this bear market but you don't actually want to play. We have tokenized the exposure for you, and I get to play! This is the power of tokens, this LABFUND token is a limited venture, and if you don't like the terms (which are set by me, @ecoinstant), its better that you don't get involved.

Those that buy and hold LABFUND for 1 HIVE, will receive HIVE dividends based on the performance of the project. They can also be traded on the hive-engine market in the mean time.

Inside this project there is also another token that makes it possible, the ARMERO token. @superlab already holds 2500 ARMERO tokens, more about this token will be released shortly, together with @thecrazygm we are building the automation required to release the ARMERO token project to the public. This will be targeted to dCity players, not the general public. ARMERO token will seek to pay out HIVE dividends 'forever' or until the project is completed. LABFUND token will be a bit more creative about how the dividends are managed, and this will be announced in an upcoming post.


Limited time only!

I view this as a limited opportunity to get a first mover advantage on this new game mechanic. These tokens will not be for sale for very much longer, then the rest will be burned and we will ride with the funds we have raised. At the time of writing 3593 have been sold, meaning our fund is that many HIVE big.

10,000 is the maximum - you can see the rest on the market:


Come watch me answer questions in the Dragon's Den!. This is a HIVE based Shark Tank program run by the @brofund and @raymondspeaks. The BRO fund and all that Ray is working on has turned out to be a really special play on HIVE. Even if @bearbear613 complains a lot.

Freedom and Friendship


SIM ponzi

perfect timing to embrace the ponzi that never dies!

😉😊😎🤙 sound and looks good.. Good luck to u in your Den..

Alright this is pretty dope just ran into the news of experimentals for the first time because of this post.

Cool update! Seems like dcity has been putting in a lot of work and updates lately which is brining lots of new hype to the game. Seems well tested and balanced as well.

I bought a few just to support the project. Good luck and a 200% APR would be amazing if you can get there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 131 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!