[EN/PT] Battle Mage Secrets! Maneuvers

in #hive-140217 ā€¢ 3 months ago



Hello, Splinters Fanatics!

Another week has passed and we're back for another šŸ‘‰ Battle Mage Secrets. Where the battle masters reveal their deepest secrets, for a specific Ruleset. This time, the battle mages' secret will be about the Ruleset Maneuvers image.png.

Splinterlands is a card game with incredible dynamics, because no battle is the same as another. This is due to the many different cards, abilities and combat rules, which change with each battle.

The Maneuvers ruleset is relatively new compared to the others. With this ruleset it is possible to use tanks in the second position, which previously could only be used in the first position. Spinterlands has a lot of melee damage tanks, which often go unused. So this ruleset gives these cards a new use, as we can use two monsters with main tank characteristics.


All melee damage monsters receive the ability Reach, which allows them to attack from the second position.

There are many possibilities for combining main tanks, as there are several of them. But my favorite combination is DIEMONSHARK + COASTAL SENTRY or ARKEMIS THE BEAR + COASTAL SENTRY. The ability Piercing combines perfectly with the ability Reach.


An alternative when the Maneuvers ruleset is not active is to use the summoner POSSIBILUS THE WISE, which gives allied monsters (+2) health, the ability Reach and Trample. In my opinion, it's the best summoner when you want to use melee damage monsters.

I really like this ability and also use it whenever possible. There are many variations and it only depends on the player's imagination to come up with good combinations.

To put the secrets revealed so far into practice, there's nothing better than a battle containing the Rule Set Maneuvers image.png.


The battle took place in Modern mode, and featured the following Rule Set: Maneuvers image.png, Silenced Summoners image.png and Unprotected image.png. With the Splinter Fire, Life and Death available, as well as 41 mana available.


As the summoners have lost their abilities, I chose Splinter Death because it has very powerful monsters. However, if the Summoners hadn't been affected, I would have chosen Splinter Life. My opponent chose Splinter Life. We both chose Summoners with the lowest amount of mana.


Below is our line-up strategy:

image.pngIn the first position, I chose ARKEMIS THE BEAR as the main tank. I like to put him in the first position because of his ForceField ability, which reduces any damage greater than or equal to (5) to (1).
image.pngIn second place I chose DRYBONE RAIDER, which has two types of damage, melee and ranged, as well as the ability Double Strike, which allows it to attack twice.
image.pngIn third place was SILENT SHA-VI, who has melee damage and the Sneak ability.
image.pngThen I climbed VENARI MARKSRAT, who has the Martyr ability.
image.pngNext, I climbed DOCTOR BLIGHT, the plague himself, as he has all the debuffs in the game.
image.pngAnd finally, I deployed CHAOS AGENT as a throwaway monster to protect the rear with its dodging abilities.

Check out the battle!

In the first round you can see the combination of main tanks that my opponent chose DRYBONE BARBARIAN + JARED SCAR, an excellent combination as JARED has the skills Piercing and Bloodlust. However, what put out the opponent's fire was ARKEMIS THE BEAR, because he has the ability ForceField, which reduced the damage of these two enemy monsters to (1). In the first round, my opponent lost two URAEUS monsters and his DRYBONE BARBARIAN tank. While on our side we only lost CHAOS AGENT.

Click Here to Watch the Full Battle!


After ARKEMIS THE BEAR was defeated it looked like things were going from bad to worse for our team, but after VENARI MARKSRAT was defeated and activated his Martyr ability, things started to look up. For, SILENT SHA-VI and DOCTOR BLIGHT were buffed, which helped defeat the enemy units.


If the enemy tank, JARED SCAR, had activated its Bloodlust ability, we might have had problems. But fortunately he was easily killed. In the last round, only DOCTOR BLIGHT (enemy) remained, which was defeated by our DOCTOR BLIGHT.



Today's post reveals some of the battle mage secrets for the Maneuvers Rule Set image.png. This is a rule that should be explored whenever possible, as there are several combinations of melee damage monsters in Splinterlands.

If you've made it this far, thank you very much for your time and if this content has been useful in any way, please like and share it!



OlĆ”, Splinters Fanaticos!

Mais uma semana se passou e estamos de volta para mais um šŸ‘‰ Battle Mage Secrets. Onde os mestres de batalha revelam seus mais profundos segredos, em funĆ§Ć£o de um Ruleset especĆ­fico. Dessa vez, o segredo dos magos de batalha serĆ” sobre o Ruleset Maneuvers image.png.

Splinterlands Ć© um card game com uma dinĆ¢mica incrĆ­vel, pois nenhuma batalha Ć© igual a outra. Isto se deve as diversas cartas existentes, as vĆ”rias habilidades e regras de combates, que mudam a cada batalha.

O ruleset Maneuvers Ć© relativamente novo, em relaĆ§Ć£o aos demais, com esse ruleset Ć© possĆ­vel utilizar tanques, na segunda posiĆ§Ć£o, que antes sĆ³ poderia ser usados na primeira posiĆ§Ć£o. Spinterlands tem uma grande quantidade de tanque de dano Melee, que muitas das vezes ficam inĆŗtilizados. EntĆ£o, esse ruleset dar uma nova utilidade a essas cartas, pois podemos utilizar dois monstros com caracteristicas de tanque principal.


Todos os monstros de dano melee recebem a habilidade Reach, que permite atacar da segunda posiĆ§Ć£o.

HĆ” vĆ”rias possibilidades de combinar tanques principais, pois existem vĆ”rios deles. Mas, a combinaĆ§Ć£o que mais gosto de utilizar Ć© DIEMONSHARK + COASTAL SENTRY ou utilizar ARKEMIS THE BEAR + COASTAL SENTRY. A habilidade Piercing comba perfeitamente com a habilidade Reach.


Uma alternativa quando o ruleset Maneuvers nĆ£o esta ativo Ć© utilizar o invocador POSSIBILUS THE WISE, que concede aos monstros aliados (+2) de saĆŗde, a habilidade Reach e Trample. Na minha opinĆ£o Ć© o melhor invocador quando se quer utilizar monstros de dano melee.

Eu gosto bastante dessa habilidade e tambĆ©m de utilizĆ”-la sempre que possĆ­vel. HĆ” diversas variaƧƵes e sĆ³ depende da imaginaĆ§Ć£o do jogador para fazer boas combinaƧƵes.

Para colocar em prƔtica os segredos revelados atƩ agora, nada melhor que uma batalha contendo o Conjunto de Regra Maneuvers image.png.


A batalha aconteceu no modo Modern, e contou com o seguinte Conjunto de Regras: Maneuvers image.png, Silenced Summoners image.png e Unprotected image.png. Com os Splinter Fogo, Vida e Morte diponƭveis, alƩm de 41 de mana disponƭvel.


Como os invocadores perderam suas habilidades eu optei em escolher o Splinter Morte, pois tem monstros bastante poderosos. PorĆ©m, caso os Invocadores nĆ£o fosse afetados teria escolhido o Splinter Vida. Meu oponente optou por escolher o Splinter Vida. Ambos escolhemos Invocadores com a menor quantidade de mana.


Abaixo segue nossa estratĆ©gia de escalaĆ§Ć£o:

image.pngNa primeira posiĆ§Ć£o, escalei ARKEMIS THE BEAR como tanque principal, gosto de colocĆ”-lo na primeira posiĆ§Ć£o devido sua habilidade ForceField que reduz qualquer dano maior ou igual a (5) para (1), em batalhas de altĆ­ssima mana ele Ć© bem Ćŗtil.
image.pngNa segunda posiĆ§Ć£o escalei DRYBONE RAIDER, que possui dois tipos de dano, melee e ranged, alĆ©m disso possui a habilidade Doble Strike, que permite atacar duas vezes.
image.pngNa terceira posiĆ§Ć£o foi escalado SILENT SHA-VI, que possui dano melee e a habilidade Sneak.
image.pngLogo apĆ³s, escalei VENARI MARKSRAT, que possui a habilidade Martyr.
image.pngEm seguida, escalei DOCTOR BLIGHT a praga em pessoa, pois possui todas os debuffs do jogo.
image.pngE por fim, escalei CHAOS AGENT como monstro de descarte para proteger a retaguarda com suas habilidade de esquiva.

Venha Conferir a Batalha!

Na primeira rodada Ć© possĆ­vel ver a combinaĆ§Ć£o de tanques principais que meu oponente escolheu DRYBONE BARBARIAN + JARED SCAR, uma excelente combinaĆ§Ć£o pois JARED possui as habilidade Piercing e Bloodlust. PorĆ©m, o que o que apagou o fogo do oponente foi ARKEMIS THE BEAR, pois ele possui a habilidade ForceField, que reduziu os danos desse dois monstros inimigos para (1). Na primeira rodada, meu oponente perdeu dois monstros URAEUS e seu tanque DRYBONE BARBARIAN. Enquanto do nosso lado apenas perdemos CHAOS AGENT.

Clique Aqui para Assistir a Batalha Completa!


Depois que ARKEMIS THE BEAR foi derrotado parecia que as coisas iam de mal a pior para nosso time, mas depois que VENARI MARKSRAT foi derrotado e ativou sua habilidade Martyr, as coisas comeƧaram a melhorar. Pois, SILENT SHA-VI e DOCTOR BLIGHT foram buffados, o que ajudou a derrotar as unidades inimigas.


Caso o tanque inimigo, JARED SCAR, tivesse ativado sua habilidade Bloodlust talvez tivessemos problemas. Mas, felizmente ele foi facilmente abatido. Na Ćŗltima rodada restou apenas DOCTOR BLIGHT (inimigo) que foi derrotado pelo nosso DOCTOR BLIGHT.



No post de hoje foram revelados alguns segredos dos magos de batalhas para o Conjunto de Regra Maneuvers image.png. Esta Ʃ uma regra que sempre que possƭvel deve ser explorada, pois hƔ diversas combinaƧƵes de mosntros de dano melee, em Splinterlands.

Se chegou atĆ© aqui muito obrigado pelo seu tempo e se de alguma forma este conteudo foi Ćŗtil, curta e compartilhe!

line diviser.gif

Imagens: @splinterlands


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Nice Cover Image!


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