In this game our main mission is to unite humanity and aliens of the galaxy in order to stop the reapers( godlike machines that come every 50000 years and wipe out all intelligent civilizations.)
Last time we helped crime boss Aria to retake her throne as the ruler of Omega. We joined Aria because she is cool and hot. Also we were looking for a chance to kill as many Cerberus(pro human terorist group)agents as possible as a way to honor and avenge our friend Thane who was recently killed by Cerberus assassin in the Citadel. During our mission on Omega Aria lost her close friend and former lover and then killed Cerberus general who was responsible for her lover's death. After that Aria regained her throne and gave us a lot of ships and resources for our fights against Cerberus and Reapers.
In this part we traveled to a base where former Cerberus scientists were hiding from Cerberus attack. There we met with my least favorite former companion from previous games-Jacob Taylor. The most boring human in entire galaxy. It is not even his fault. It just that all our other companions were super badass scientists, mercenaries, warriors. And then there was Jacob who was least impressive, bland character. Anyway he became a couple with the leader of former Cerberus scientists. Good for him I guess...He got shot in the leg when we arrived. Again not impresive. In the last game Garrus took a rocket to the face and was ready to serve in active duty after a hour or so. In this game Thane stopped an assassination attempt while being terminally ill and literally dying. And krogans like Wrex and Grunt take a ton of damage all the time...and they still keep fighting. But Jacob got barely wounded and was not able to do anything useful for the rest of the mission. I guess not everyone is cut out to be a hero and each family badass team has a black cheep named Jacob...guess not everyone is cut to be a hero and each family badass team has a black sheep named Jacob... Ok Ok enough about him. To help the former Cerberus scientists escape we had to fix two giant guns. After that we used those guns to distract Cerberus while we escaped. Then we returned to our ship the Normandy and saw a size measuring competition between two companions that are actually cool. Garrus and James Vega were sharing stories about their biggest accomplishments. For a while they were just trying to one up each other with their stories. But in the end both expressed respect for each other.
After that we traveled to Asari monastery that acted as a prison/ sanctuary for Ardat-Yakshi(Asari who were born with messed up genes and have the potential to become mass killers). There we encountered my least favorite reaper creatures- mutated asari known as Banshees. They are ugly, can teleport and thanks to them I will probably have to use NSFW tag. What could be worse? Well I suppose they are terrifying creatures and not as useless as Jacob so even that is a plus. We also met another our former companion- Samara. She went to the monastery to check on her two daughters who were both Ardat-Yakshi. We found out the reason why reaper creatures attacked that monastery- to harvest and mutate more asari into Banshees. We managed to save one daughter of Samara- Falere. Her sister Rila was about to turn into Banshee but she detonated a bomb and exploded together with many reaper creatures. Monastery was safe... for now. After that Samara believed that her duty is to kill her last daughter Falere before she becomes a threat to society. Samara could not do this so she intended to kill herself instead but we stopped her. And Falere promised to stay in the ruins of the monastery and not try to escape. This satisfied Samara and she promised to help us fight the Reapers.