Fiery plays The Witcher 3 part 10: a Botchling.

in #hive-14021711 months ago

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In this episode we went with a Bloody Baron to see the place where his unborn child was buried. The grave was empty. Soon we saw the baby who had turned into a botchling. We told the Baron to take a botchling into his hands go to bury it under a threshold. Along the way a botchling summoned the wraiths and we had to defend the Baron. After that we buried a botchling and gave him a name- Dea. Then we send the Bloody Baron home and meditated until Dea appeared as a lubberkin( a guardian spirit). After that we followed Dea to a fisher's house. At first fisher's family denied seeing Baron's wife or daughter. But finally they spilled the truth. They helped Tamara escape but Anna was carried away by some giant monster. Before that her hands had strange fiery marks.

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The graphics of the game are very dark and dark.
If I were playing this game, I would be very scared and run away from the table as soon as I encountered something. 😆😜

I never really considered this game scary. Normally I don't play scary games or watch scary movies. But I guess some creatures in the game can be terrifying if you are new to the game.

I get very involved in games and movies. Sometimes I feel like I'm in real life. 😜