I would like to talk about a chapter of Horizon Zero Dawn which is called The Field of the Fallen.
You may watch the video above to see the gameplay yourself and I bet you won't regret watching the gameplay.
The City of the Sun: The Field of the Fallen
Main Quest: Erend's sister Ersa was ambushed and killed by the Shadow Carja. Now Erend wants to track down the soldiers who did it and take his revenge and he needs the help of Aloy for the tracking.
I met Erend and he was asking me to follow him to the ambush site where he's found the corpse of his sister Ersa and I started following him.
And when we reached the spot, I had to investigate the battlefield with the help of my focus for getting any clue.
I started examining the clues and the first thing I've found was blood marks and I had to examine the Thicket.
Then I've found arrows that I had to examine as well and later I got more clues like bloodstains, spear, and helmet.
After getting all the clue, I went for the thicket first to examine and from seeing the stain forms a line, Aloy understood that the blood should be dripped off the edge of something like a cart.
And then Aloy has found cart tracks and she was thinking that someone moved the bodies here and then scattered them across the field which means the body could be dragged here from somewhere else so this may not be the place where the battle happened.
Now Aloy was thinking that this may not be the work of Carja but Erend was talking as if he is over sure about Carja doing this.
Then Aloy has found a cart tracks and with the help of the focus, we started following the cart tracks.
And the cart tracks led us on top of the mountain where there were huge ancient ruins and they've found the cart there as well which had some bloodstains on it.
When they reached the ancient ruins, their came some armed peoples and they're not Carja peoples but the peoples of Oseram and Erend belongs to the same Oseram tribe so its his own peoples comes to kill him.
They started shooting us by arrows and I don't know how their arrows were so powerful that was killing me instantly. So I ran and climbed a on a big ancient ruin so that I can buy some time and defeat them while lurking.
And while I was busy photoshooting and looking for a way to get to them and kill them, Erend has killed them all. And now a bigger threat came when there came not one but two big machines (Sawtooth) to hunt us down.
At first I didn't leave my spot as those machines were unable to go there so I was shooting them from there and the machines were laser shooting me as well and I was avoiding those laser fires. But Erend was fighting the machines alone so I thought I'd try to help him.
And now I was stuck fearing this beast when he was looking for me. And I wonder why this machine was unable to kill Erend (same for the enemy peoples) but Erend was killing a lot of health of the machines.
It looks like the people that plays with me in a mission as a helper are immortal which makes the game easier for me but it'd be more competitive if I had to save them mas well.
So we've successfully killed both machines and I lost all my fire arrows there and I didn't have enough equipment's for crafting fire arrows as well which is sad for me now.
Erend took a close look to one of those Oseram man and he understood that he was wrong about everything till then.
Then Erend requested Aloy to examine this place to understand what really happened there.
I started investigating this real ambush site.
And now Erend started to think that his sister died here not in the field below.
But after examining some things, Aloy came to an understand that the scenario could be different. Now Aloy was thinking that the Oseram might ambush Ersa and her men with a new weapon.
Now Aloy is thinking that Ersa may be alive and she was taken after getting her paralyzed with the new weapon and they were more clear after Aloy reminded Erend that the corpse of Ersa was unrecognizable. So maybe they switched another body into her armor and Erend understood what Aloy was talking about.
Then Erend left that site for Meridian to check on the corpse and make sure if it was really Ersa or not.
And the quest was completed at that point.
The next chapter will be coming soon.
Screenshots are my take from the game and there's a logo that I used on the thumbnail picture.