Celeste Review by Incublus

in #hive-14021711 months ago

Hello my friends, years ago I heard a coach say that some flowers don't bloom in some soils. Hey incublus this is a gaming community, what are you talking about? Today I'm going to talk about a game that I can't get into, Celeste! You don't need to fasten your seat belts because it won't be too long.

I got this game for free on the Epic Games Store and I didn't watch the video before I played it. I don't do that for some games and I want everything to be a surprise for me. Of course, it's not a complete surprise because I remember reading a few posts about this game on Hive. Still, to really get an idea of a game's gameplay you should either watch a video or play it because screenshots are not descriptive enough.

I had high hopes when I downloaded the game because I know it's one of the best Indie games. It didn't take long and I started playing the game. I enjoyed the dialogues in the game. Our character challenging the old lady made me laugh. I also liked the atmosphere of the game and I really liked the music. Because I think sounds are very important in games like this. They provide a great benefit in making you feel the atmosphere. But there is a problem...

I couldn't get into to the game. I played for a while, about 1 hour, but I didn't feel like continuing the game. I don't know why, because the game is absolutely beautiful. It has a challenging side, after a while you start repeating each stage 5-6 times and that's not a problem for me. Mount & Blade: Bannerlord, I had to repeat 15-20 minute battles 5-6 times. Maybe I haven't warmed up to the genre? For those who don't know, this is a platform adventure game and it's been a long time since I've played a game in this genre. Maybe that's the problem, but I don't really know, maybe I should try more games like this and then I'll know if the problem is really the genre. That's why I gave you the example at the beginning of the post. Some flowers don't bloom in some soil. Not everyone has to like every game, right?

I'm very curious to know what you think about it. Maybe if I had continued playing for a few hours I would have liked the game and fallen in love with it, who knows? But the truth is I didn't feel like it. Have you ever played one of these beloved games and got bored?

Thank you very much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Like I said, I'm very curious to know what you guys think about it. I'll be sure to upvote any good comments and I'm very open to trying new games these days. Feel free to share your game suggestions too. Take care and have a gaming-filled day!

Play More, Live More!


I understand you, it happens to me that I am very eager to try a game and when I play it it is usually not what I expected and I play 30 or 1 hour, I think it is normal to say that a game is bad, since we all have very varied tastes and it is good to say that when we don't like it

I'm not going to say the game is bad because I don't think I've played it enough, man. Thanks for your comment.

A curious fact: I took part in the same Game Jam that Celeste prototype took part in and won, I came fifth. The pixel art was done by a Brazilian studio.

This game is magnificent.

Congratulations man! It's easier to make games like this than events with great graphics. I'm not belittling them, these are facts.

How many hours did you play this game?

I think it's one of these games that you can appreciate, but you're definitely not going to dedicate the time to beat it. I don't know if I rescued it, the other time I saw that I have 306 free games thanks to Epic, I'll have to check haha.

You play more! Live more! I share it! thanks for the post!

You'r welcome bro, yeah I've many games to play now and I'm still buying games. Thanks for stopping by

To some extent I can understand. There is this factor that you had to repeat things for some times which made you loose the interest. You didn't realised but this could be the reason.

(My opinion)

Yeah maybe, I just didn't think that's a problem. Thanks for your comment mate :)

The intro part of this post amazed me as you write so well.

I appreciate your honesty in sharing your experience with this game. Your analogy about flowers and soil is appropriate as not every game is meant for every gamer.

It's great to hear that you're open to trying new games, and I'm sure you'll discover some gems that truly excite you. I'm suggesting you to try Days Gone if you like open-world and zombie genre. I bet this is the best game till now in that genre.

The game looks very expensive at the moment and my poor computer can't handle it, but I might try lowering the graphics and play it. Thanks for the suggestion man.

I totally get it. Days Gone can be a bit demanding on the system. Lowering the graphics is a smart move and I believe it's all about finding that sweet spot between performance and visuals.

I hope you can try this game at a decent graphics someday.

It seems to me a game that is not for everyone, I met him a while ago by a friend and the truth is that I do not call my attention are those games that would not score to my list but it's good to try sometimes surprises you sometimes not.

me parece un juego que no es para todos, yo hace un tiempo lo conocí por un amigo y la verdad no me llamo la atención son de esos juegos que no anotaría a mi lista pero es bueno probar a veces te sorprende a veces no.

Yes, sometimes unexpected games can be much more fun than we expect. Definitely worth checking out.

I think you can try adventure games like the one you normally play. But, if you are interesting in trying games from new genre. Im afraid it'll take a lot than playing one game to adopot liking for this new type of games.

Is it still free on epic games? If it is, I'd like to try it out too.

It does look like fun, but in all honesty I'm more of a modern gamer. I don't fancy games similar to that, like Terraria for example. Not a fan!

They were amazing back in the day don't get me wrong! But that was back in the day! For me at-least! Now I like game with a deep story line and or some action!

Looks like we're the same, man. I like some genres, but we're on the same page when it comes to games like this. I guess we're capitalists now, man!

Sultan! It happens to me the same, in my case I love games of this style, so with story and platforming with its pixel art, but sometimes boredom begins and I end up playing games in the pile or typical as COD or fornite, but it is good to appreciate this kind of games where the story is the center of everything, not so much their graphics, but in living that new experience of knowing a new world created and appreciate it, it's a nice message that you leave, greetings! :D

I'm relieved to know it's not just me, man. I'm pretty sure the problem is not in the game. Thanks for stopping by :)