Hello gamers! How's your weekend going? Hope you had fun and played your favorite game :) Today I will continue to share with you one of my favorite games, TFT.
You can watch the gameplay here unfortunately without my commentary:
This game Viktor visited us and told us that 6 gold champions will appear earlier and 3 times more often. This makes the game interesting because Viktor is a very broken champion and the other two champions are very broken in certain compositions.
Silver champion augments are very strong in my opinion so I chose the Combat Medic augment, which reduces the mana cost of Steb's ability by 10 but no longer heals. Steb's ability is 30% omniwamp and deals 3 attacks that deal 65% damage each. It might be hard to understand this way, but you will see how powerful it is in the video.
It's normal to lose fights in the early game, don't worry. Especially if you have a 1 star Steb like me. Just keep accumulating gold.
I don't know what you think, but I find the Power Up augment very powerful, especially if you choose the next augment as Prismatic while everyone else chooses gold. You're throwing away an augment for it, but it's worth it.
In this composition you accumulate gold in the early game and after level 5 you need to stay at 50 gold and above to make Steb three stars. If you are an unlucky person like me, don't play this composition lol. Even though I spent a lot of gold I only got 4 Stebs, I hope I can make it 3 stars sometime. Steb's best items are Bloodthirster, Archangel's Staff and Titan's Resolve. It doesn't work that well with other items.
For the last augment I chose Radiant Relics. This allows you to choose a Radiant item and I chose Radiant Titan's Resolve. I will give the other item to Trundle or any other Bruiser champion.
In the middle of stage 4 I finally got the champions I wanted to 3-star, but at what cost. I am level 5 and have 40 gold.
I think my hard work is paying off! Steb did 9235 damage and I'm sure he tanked a lot of damage too. This opponent was trying to do something similar to my composition but he didn't have augment lol.
This is probably not the best choice but who wouldn't want a bigger Steb with much more health? He gained 1000 extra health and now he's huge!
This guy was probably looking for Silco but since he couldn't find him he will lose the game. At level 7 looking for him is not a good idea anyway. Steb will heal his wounds! Get the pun?
Almost 10000 damage! Imagine if the 6 Bruiser trait was active. I don't know if Steb needs it, though. After he became a 3 star, almost all his fights were at full health.
It may seem like he doesn't do enough damage in some fights, but that's because the opponents don't have enough health. This is the closest opponent to beating me, but Steb is still at 40% health.
That's my copycat. Unfortunately, just because you have a 4 star Maddie doesn't mean you can beat me, my friend. By the way, I recommend completing the composition with 6 brawlers. Place Enforcer champions behind them and that's it! 6 Enforcers if you can, otherwise 4 Enforcers.
I didn't realize when the game got this far, but me and my copycat were last. I'll have to beat him a few times since he has a lot of health, but luckily that's not a problem for me :)
I added a Viktor in the last battle to make him even easier to beat. Now I have 4 Enforcers and a Viktor. Didn't I tell you how powerful Viktor is? If you don't believe me, watch the last fight in the video. The way he stuns all the opponent's champions is extremely powerful.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to share your thoughts with me in the comments. Take care and play lots of games.