I'm Getting Married! - Mount Blade II: Bannerlord #5

in #hive-140217last year

Hello beautiful people of Calradia, I have been busy this week so I have not been able to post any other episodes. I am trying to get things back on track in my life and hopefully I will succeed. I hope to share updates with you soon. Without further ado, let's move on to the game!


Short Summary of the Previous Episode

In the last chapter, I accepted the Southern Empire's mercenary offer and started working for them. Together we conquered several castles and cities, we won some tough battles, I improved as a warrior, and we lost a big battle. As a result, I lost all the items I had accumulated. I decided I wasn't ready for war yet and quit mercenary work. I bought myself a great axe and continued to trade.

I traded for a long time because I needed wood and money before I could start blacksmithing. I remembered why I don't share videos of this game because when I share an episode with you, I share things that are at least 3-4 hours of recording and it would be quite boring for you to watch the whole video. It would also take me too long to edit the video to be short. Anyway, I didn't forget to attack the bandit groups that I saw while I was trading, because that's how I can improve myself more easily than fighting big battles. I tell my soldiers to stay back and I fight them alone. I smashed about 15 bandits with my new axe. I wish I had a better computer so I could share full HD screenshots with you.

I went back to blacksmithing and forged different swords because I didn't know which one would cost more. It's not really easy and when you change a part of the sword, the price of the sword changes a lot. As you can see I managed to forge a sword for 12250 dinars, which is a great achievement for me!

In the end, I made 60000 dinars by selling a few of the swords I forged, so I have to continue like this. Of course I need to learn new parts to forge more valuable swords. And to get new parts I need to melt down some of the swords I forged. If I keep this up I might even reach 1 million dinars soon.

I continue blacksmithing, going from city to city, selling the swords I forged. My money is slowly reaching 500k dinars. Meanwhile, I was checking the armor sold in the city. Look at the value of this armor. 476k dinars? WTF! Even with all my money I can't buy this armor and I've been working for it since the beginning of the game. One day I'll buy this armor or something better!

After saving enough money, it's time to get married. I have half a million dinars now. In ancient times, to marry a woman you had to ask her family for her hand in marriage. So if they didn't give permission, you couldn't get married, and most people got married without even sitting down and talking to each other. That's how my parents got married. So I went and talked to Svana's father and told him I wanted to marry her and he asked me for some money. I don't know why he asked for that, but I don't mind 40k dinars because I have a lot of money.

I don't know who this man is but he got us married. I think he is a priest lol. Many people watched our wedding. As you can see I have my banner on one side and a Sturgya banner on the other side. You can also see one of my companions among the spectators. Taleworlds did a great job adding these cutscenes. It looks really nice. I think it adds fun to the game.

I can now forge swords worth 20k dinars, and after many attempts I think I found the right recipe. I may soon be a millionaire, folks. I'll buy you all a glass of wine! Joking aside, blacksmithing is one of the best ways to make money in this game. You just need to follow the tactics I've told you properly. Forge swords, melt the sword, get new parts, use them to forge new swords and repeat!

Since I'm not an asshole, I bought my brother the same armor I bought for myself. After all, we're going to fight together and we all need quality armor. Who else can we trust but each other? I know I didn't buy him arm and shoulder armor, but everything has its time XD

Remember the dragon banner quest at the beginning of the game? I've gotten pretty far with it and I'm ready to find the other banner pieces. I talked to a woman named Istiana and she said she would help me. The only condition is that I use the banner to save the empire. To be honest, I have no goal to save the empire. My real goal is to build my own empire and destroy it, but to find the piece of the banner I have to lie to her, and that's what I did.

Istiana showed me a hideout. I went there and killed the bandits, I dueled their leader and of course I won. That's how I got the second piece of the banner. There's one last piece left. To find it, I have to go to Marunath and meet a man named Argozos. But we will find out what will happen to me there in the next chapter!

Thank you very much for reading, I hope you liked it. I really love playing this game and this series. Let me know what you think about the game in the comments! Have a nice day and take care!

Play More, Live More!


@tipu curate 5

Thank you so much for your support 💚

Wow OMG!!! men that game is a jewel, I remember playing the previous Mount and Blade Warband, was a sultan of the best!!! this game promises a lot but as it lacks I do not say I hahaha, like great experience my pana, I've been discouraged these days that's why I disappeared but here we go hahaha! greetings bro! :D

Glad you liked it man! Sorry for my late reply, yeah Warband was good actually it was really good for it's time but this game is much better and they continue to bring new things to game step by step.

Wow, this is really an interesting game... keep playing, keep living.

Thank you so much, yeah it's interesting and glad you liked it.

I fell for the clickbait as well. I mean, I thought you're getting married in real life and then I've found out that you were talking about the game.
I was so confused when reading this post. Hope you get married in real life soon, lol.

I need more time in real life man haha. It's not like games unfortunately I need more money XD My aim was not try to clickbait but that's how it ended lol

Lol. Good luck.

Now you have to completely destroy her side of the family and take their lands for your own!

Bro, you are so cruel! He's my father-in-law, I'll try to get him on my side 😂

kill em all.gif

Congratulations incublus! Hope you enjoyed your honeymoon hhahahaah

We will see the honeymoon next chapter 😂

Oh my god, incublus'll have virtual sons? Hahahhahaha

Hahahahha maybe XD

Now that was proper click bait😂

Well somewhat...

Who would have thought one can marry in the game. That's pretty exciting... Do you gain some sort of strategic advance with the joining of houses? And armies?

My laptop is full at the moment so I don't really have space for anything else yet. I have to finish what I started first 😂😭


Dude, I'm not lying, I got married in the game, right?

It's really important for the game. It also improved my relations with the Sturgian lords because I made a strategic marriage. We'll see the results soon.

I hope you can finish what you have and start playing this soon, man!

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Oooo ahahhaha 😁😁 Congratulations on getting married because of political goals 😁😁 It's always exciting when games incorporate marriage mechanics and provide strategic advantages through alliances. I'm curious to see how your marriage will impact your gameplay. But for now here is your gold: 😁😁👏👏

Sorry for the late reply, yes, I married a member of a very powerful clan to get a stronger position in the game. We'll see how it affects... Thanks for the gold, when you get married in D&D I will give you one as a gift 😂