Hello Everyone.
I ended my last gameplay after liberating King's Hot Spring Hotel and today's new one starts from there. This time I played for too long, which is almost 3 hours long which would be boring to watch and difficult to explain too. So I decided it into certain parts and only kept the main battle parts removing the side missions and the extra parts too.
So, I got my mission from one of the resistance leaders in the King's Hot Spring Hotel to liberate a place called Lorna's Truck Stop. This was one of the main fuel stations and an important outpost to control both the cult members and the resistance members. I hopped in my car and let the gun-for-hire drive. Seems like they're just as bad as driving as bad as piloting. On my way, I killed some cult members on the road. Also had a glitch while trying to kill an animal with the car.
However, I reached there and planned to finish the enemies with a planned stealth attack. But, one of them spotted me just in the beginning and this turned bad soon. It was tough but I was able to kill them all including the reinforcements and was able to win the battle. Then I had to complete another sub-mission to fully complete this one.
The cult's had taken all the gas out of the station in a truck and I needed to bring it back from another one of their outposts. I was nearby but a sensitive mission. If I had mistakenly shot on the tanker it'd be a massacre. I killed them carefully from far away and only engaged in a full-scale fight when most of them were killed. And was able to retrieve the truck successfully without any type accidents.
After I returned the truck I got another one of the main and major missions to complete. It was a place called Sacred Skies Youth Camp. It was a place that the cut members used as a control house for all the nearby bliss fields and quite an important asset for them too. I rushed there on foot cause I was unable to spawn my helicopter. On my way, I also killed some cult members including a cult VIP on a bliss flower farming field. Damn, their flowers can really f**k up your mind. You can see the example in the screenshot of my vision.
Then I took a car from the road and directly drove into the camp. It was one of the toughest battles I ever engaged in FC5. I had to use both of the energy booster drugs and still got killed by them. My gun for hire has also been knocked down a few times. After we both died the mission started from the last checkpoint. And I decided to take it slow and follow the stealth mode to kill them slowly. I took a position up the hill behind a tree and used my gun for hire to kill them one by one. But that place was so full of enemies that she got caught soon and I had to engage again. And it was again an all-out battle. I then had to take both of the drugs again and also soon became out of ammo. I also had to use all the med kits in order to win the fight. This was one of the intensive battles and I'm glad I was able to complete it on the 2nd try. With the damage I was taking, I was sure that I'd die this time too.
I really hope you liked my post and hope you will like the gameplay too. I've uploaded the video to my YouTube channel and sharing it below from there. Please watch it. There are a lot of small details and adventure parts I left for the viewers to experience in the video.
Thank You
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