Progressing through Palia!

in #hive-1402174 months ago

A few days ago I wrote about Palia and introduced the game to Hive. If you missed out: Palia is a cozy MMORPG which is more a single player experience but in an active world filled with other people. It's free to play. It's chill. And technically it's an early access game still in beta, but there are no plans for server wipes or anything even come 1.0 release.

All your progress is your progress forevermore! Unless you contact Support to have your character deleted. xD


Anyway. Since my last post — I built my house! It's only a small one-room thing at the moment with barely any furniture, but that'll change as I progress through the game.


See? Small. One room. Minimally furnished. But it's mine, and I can expand it, and decorate it how I please, and I will make the best looking house anyone in Palia has ever seen!

Hey. I won a (unofficial) housing competition in Elder Scrolls Online. I know what I'm doing!


As you can see from this vendor, however, I'm going to need a lotttttt of money.

And also a lot of reputation. As you earn renown/reputation with the people, you can purchase additional features like land expansion writs and permission to build more and more crafting utilities on your property.

This game is all about the aesthetics when it comes to home building. There are so many options and styles to choose from and so many furniture and decor options to unlock. It's a crafty-gathery-grindy dream!


It is sad that I can't look like the fiery lady in my screenshot above, though. Alas, I won't be spending any money in the cosmetic shop... not yet anyway. I'm not adverse to purchasing a cool outfit or two, but I'd like to get further into this before I do something like that.


So my goal at the moment is to simply complete various quests, further my gathering skills, make money and slowly work on this house.

Quests are pretty basic. Someone wants seashells, another wants oysters, another heard that flower seeds can be found with bugs sometimes and wants me to confirm it, someone wants a cooked meal, another has lost his sandwich, etc.

I helped one guy do his chores whilst he focused on his family.

And every villager has a 'want' as well. I'm not yet sure if that's a daily thing or a weekly thing. But you can find out what someone wants and if you get it for them, you get extra friendship points with them.


Of course there's an over-arching main storyline quest as well. So far it seems that there are secret temple ruins around the land, back from when ancient humans ruled the world, and magic is needed to work them.

Unfortunately, magic is very much frowned upon — illegal, even — and due to the human re-emergence in Palia, some law-abiding Order organisation is going to be coming to the region to keep an eye on things, arrest trouble makers, etc.

I'm up to a part in the main story where the Order is coming and we need to make the town presentable for them. That requires special wood that I'm not wanting to farm yet due to doing other things, so the main quest is on the backburner at the moment.


"Due to other things." ~ Like working on my home!

One of the villagers kindly sent me blueprints for a small room in the mail, so now it's time to expand my house just a little.


Ta-da! Construction complete!


And my inside furnishing so far.

Thanks to that addition, I was able to move my bed and some various furniture into the new room and expand the first room a little. I built a stove and some prep/mixing benches! And can now cook some food in my house instead of on a campfire. 😅


Behold! Glorious noodles!

I'll also mention that my decorating isn't really on par with what I would normally do, haha! I'm basically just dumping all furniture I come across/create willy-nilly for the time being until I can afford better things. There are so many beautiful furniture decor in this game that you can both build and buy, and unfortunately they're all quite expensive.

At the moment most of my money is going towards upgrading my tools and learning new recipes for my tools. And I need 5000 gold to expand my backpack again, which I would really like to do!

So, unfortunately, proper beautification will have to wait. 😅


Until next time! 😊✨🍄



All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci and are from the game: Palia.


Wow, I really liked this game, how can I get it? It has a very nice aesthetic and looks pretty fun

It's a great cozygame! :D I'm currently very addicted to it, haha!

You can get it from Steam, it's free to play! :D It's also on Nintendo Switch. And I think you can download it from the website too if you don't want to use Steam but want to play on PC.