The odyssey against dragons continues, Monster Hunter. // La odisea contra los dragones continua, Monster Hunter. (ENG/ESP)

in #hive-140217last year

➤ It would be a lie to say that the adventure in Monster Hunter World is short, it is a long adventure, not so narrative but full of action where we will never get tired of killing dragons, or maybe if you are like me you probably will. The point is that the end is not so easy to reach, defeating all the ancient dragons will not be an easy task as they are not exactly few, if we keep count, I have already killed more than 3 and still missing. So we must go on with our hunt in company until we exterminate all the animal fauna of the world. Let's get started!


➤ Today the protagonism will be taken by our dear friend Vaal Hazak, probably the ugliest dragon I've ever seen in all my life, I don't know what they came up with to make such a macabre and disgusting design of an undead zombie dragon that looks like it's made of 10 different types of meat from dead animals while it rots every day more of how horrible it is and probably hates its very existence, how such an ugly dragon could have children, now that I think about it.... But don't let his ugly looks fool us, because his attacks, movements and defense are something else, this is where the battle becomes beautiful, difficult and challenging. That's what I like the most about this kind of games, if I'm going to be presented with a giant beast, let it be one that really gives me difficulty.

➤ Although even so it was not so difficult to kill it, thinking that its movements were quite fast and strong, but above all, what was most annoying about this dragon was the poison it gave us, it was a completely deadly poison that could kill us in a matter of no time, and we needed an item called curibaya to heal us, if it wasn't for Arisu who gave me several of his curibayas, I probably would have died 10 times in a row and I would have never won the battle. It's a battle that really cost me a bit but nothing I can't win since of course I'm completely awesome and one of the best players in the world of any game that includes Dark Souls style rolling. But well, that's all for now, thank you very much for reading, see you in the next post!

Except for the cover, the video are by me.

Versión en Español

➤ Sería mentira decir que la aventura en Monster Hunter World es corta, es una aventura larga, no tan narrativa pero sí llena de acción donde nunca nos cansaremos de matar dragones, o tal vez si son como yo probablemente sí. El punto es que el final no es tan fácil de llegar, derrotar a todos los dragones antiguos no será tarea fácil ya que no es que sean precisamente pocos, si llevamos la cuenta, ya he matado más de 3 y todavía faltan. Así que hay que seguir adelante con nuestra caceria en compañía hasta exterminar toda la fauna animal del mundo. Comencemos!


➤ Hoy el protagonismo se lo llevará nuestro queridismo amigo Vaal Hazak, probablemente el dragón más feo que he visto en toda mi vida, no sé qué se les ocurrió al hacer un diseño tan macabro y asqueroso de un dragón zombie muerto viviente que pareciera que está hecho de 10 tipos de carne distintas de animales muertos mientras que se pudre cada día más de lo horrible que es y que probablemente odia su existencia misma, como un dragón tan feo podría tener hijos, ahora que lo pienso... Pero que no nos engañe su aspecto tan feo, porque sus ataques, movimientos y defensa son otra cosa, aquí es donde la batalla se torna hermosa, difícil y retadora. Que es lo que más me gusta de este tipo de juegos, si me van a presentar una bestia gigante, que sea una que realmente me dé dificultad.

➤ Aunque aún así no fue tan difícil de matar a pensar de que sus movimientos eran bastante rápidos y fuertes, pero sobre todo, lo que más jodía de este dragón era el veneno que nos daba, era un veneno completamente mortal que nos podría matar en cuestión de nada, y necesitabamos obligatoriamente de un item llamado curibaya para poder curarnos, si no fuera por Arisu que me dio varias de sus curibayas, probablemente hubiera muerto 10 veces seguidas y nunca hubiera ganado la batalla. Es una batalla que realmente me costó un poco pero nada que no pueda ganar ya que por supuesto soy completamente increíble y uno de los mejores jugadores del mundo de cualquier juego que incluya rodar al estilo Dark Souls. Pero bueno, esto es todo por ahora, muchas gracias por haber leído, ¡nos vemos en el próximo post!

Except for the cover, the video are by me.

Vaal hazak está formado de una coraza de descomposición bro, se ha unido con su cuerpo y lo ha convertido en lo que es ahora, en fin, SIGUE JUGÁNDOLO, todavía quedan más

Me sorprende que sigas aún con el Monster Hunter jajajajaj
Cuántas horas dura ese juego loco?

Wow, watching you take on that dragon in Monster Hunter was absolutely epic! Your skills as a hunter are truly impressive and it's clear that you've put in a lot of time and effort to master the game's mechanics. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time and couldn't believe how intense the battle was. Keep up the great work and I can't wait to see what other monsters you'll take down in your future hunts!

It's very difficult to kill dragons in this game, but it's also very satisfying, isn't it? I mean, you're not fighting a regular knight. You're fighting a dragon. And if you're defeated, at least a dragon has defeated you.