uncharted 4 / parte 9 / La calma al final de la tormenta

in #hive-1402177 months ago

Hello hiveans! happy day ✌️😁
I continue with part number nine of Uncharted 4, and it gets interesting, also the confrontations a little more difficult.
After finding the supposed place where the treasure is in the previous video, we climbed a little and also saying a little haha, we found some engravings on the walls, plans and models of the pirate city where the treasure is, then I had to solve a riddle with a ship's rudder that turned a mechanism.

¡Hola hiveans! feliz día ✌️😁
Sigo con la parte numero nueve de uncharted 4, y se pone interesante, también un poco mas difíciles los enfrentamientos.
Luego de encontrar el supuesto lugar donde esta el tesoro en el video anterior, escalamos un poco y también diciendo un poco jaja, encontramos algunos grabados en las paredes, planos y maquetas de la ciudad pirata donde esta el tesoro, después tuve que resolver un acertijo con un Timón de barco que hacia girar un mecanismo.

Upon completing this riddle, a statue of Avery appears on one of the nearby islands, and when we reach the statue we see that he has a spyglass that is not in his eye, it points to a distant island, but when we see this island the murderers appear from Rafe, then we again see the scenes at the beginning of the game where Nate drives a boat to an island and it rains a lot, when it crashes, Nate and Sam are separated. This part looks great in the rain 😜

Al completar este acertijo aparece una estatua de Avery en una de las islas cercanas, y al llegar a la estatua vemos que este tiene un catalejo que no tiene en el ojo, este apunta hasta un isla lejana, pero al ver esta isla aparecen los asesinos de Rafe, entonces volvemos a ver las escenas al inicio del juego donde Nate maneja una lancha a una isla y llueve mucho, al estrellarse, Nate y Sam se separan. Esta parte se ve genial con la lluvia 😜

Nate was very tired and falls unconscious while climbing. When the rain ends, Nate wakes up and sees a sign of his brother who is also alive. After climbing a lot and trying to meet up with Sam, I find a new tool that slightly modifies the way I climb on some walls. I like these things, it's a shame they added it so late in the story. Well after this I find a pack of enemies brutally armed and positioned very well to annoy me 😆

Nate estaba muy cansado y cae inconsciente mientras escalaba, al terminar la lluvia, Nate despierta y ve una señal del hermano que también esta con vida. Tras escalar bastante e intentar reunirme con Sam, encuentro una nueva herramienta que modifica un poco la forma de escalar en algunas paredes, esta cosas me gustan, lastima que lo agregaran tan tarde en la historia. Bueno después de esto encuentro una manada de enemigos armados brutalmente y posicionados muy bien para fastidiarme 😆

I was finally able to find Sam after facing all these enemies armed to the teeth, but Nate is very discouraged and distressed by everything he has put at stake to find this treasure, which he has not found any sign of since they were shipwrecked. on this island, and right behind them they find something that takes them to a small hamlet that I will explore in the next video 😁

Al fin pude encontrar a Sam después de enfrentar a todos estos enemigos armados hasta los dientes, pero Nate esta muy desanimado y angustiado por todo lo que a puesto en juego por encontrar este tesoro, el cual no a encontrado ningún indicio de el desde que naufragaron en esta isla, y justamente detrás encuentran algo que los lleva a un pequeño caserío que exploraré en el siguiente video 😁


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Does he still complain? One of the things I always found hilarious with this series was how much Nate complained about situations, one of my favourite moments being in 1 or 2 where there's waves of enemies that keep coming out and I'm watching my ammo and I said out loud to my kids (can't remember which ones were watching) "WHERE ARE THEY COMING FROM" and not a moment later Nate exclaims "WHERE ARE THESE GUYS COMING FROM?!" XD

I don't understand very well hahaha

Oh sorry ^_^; Have you played the entire series? In the first three he always talked a lot even when he was by himself. Does he do the same thing in 4?

ahhh now I understand hahaha, yes it does, although I didn't have the pleasure of playing the previous ones, but this one is very good.
That makes the character feel more real.

¡Muchas gracias!

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