Mountain Bike Extreme 🏔️🔥

in #hive-140217last month

It's another slow network day. Lately I've been having more of those.
Nowadays though, due to my occupation with school, I tend to spend less and less time online, with about 80% of my online time being Hive based.
Yet still when I do have time to come online on hive, and I'm met with low or even no network, I'm left befuddled with what to do on my phone.
Then it struck me...

Why not some games?

At first I dismissed the idea... My phone wasn't the largest in RAM space, and almost all the interesting games would have been hanging on it or would take way too much space, hindering the ability of the phone in doing other things.
Still, the threat of boredom made me peruse the app store and I found one which caught my eye.

Mountain Bike Extreme 🚲


The reviews and comments were good, the ratings were okay, it was relatively cheap data wise, was offline and a game I hadn't played before.
Hence I downloaded it and hoped this wasn't a waste of time...
It wasn't.


My first opinion of the game was how minimalistic it was, from the intro page, to the different levels and the controls.
One would think that it was just some lazy developer who did a quick rush job with a vague idea and put it out there on the web.


The in-game soundtrack and controls are as minimalist as ever, yet still managing to give this fulfilling feel.


Two arrows to help in front flips, backflips, riding on the front wheel and riding on the back wheel, then the two bottoms for acceleration ⭕ and brake 🚫.
Moving at high speeds with the inly sounds being the sounds of nature, the bike and the wind passing by make the game come to life.


One of the most mentioned comment on the game's download page was how people liked the sensitivity of the control's and the in-game physics.
A certain mountain bike rider commented on how easy it was to fall off during bumps at high speed and said how he was glad that the game recreated that same sense of feeling.
In my defense, it's a bit annoying on how easy it is to fall of and lose when I was moving but I quickly get over it.

I understand that if the game is too easy to pass, then people wouldn't really be playing it continually 😂


Although it is great to see how long you lasted though, noting the distance, points made and skills done does pump a bit of dopamine in your system.

I'd give this game a storming 9 out of 10...
That one point off because of how lazy the dev was😂😂
Like at least put some birds or something my eyes could stray to when I'm cycling past😂😂
Regardless it's a nice game. A lovely example that one doesn't need a huge capital or 4D graphics to make something people would love...

Since I couldn't screen record, I'd decided to get a YouTube video of the game being played so you could at least see more than screenshots.

And with that I end my review, see y'all next time✨

Images used are screenshots from my the game and my gameplay. Youtube video brought for enlightenment purposes.

My Instagram page.


Looks like a very calming game to me. Something like Alto's adventure (or whatever that ski game was called).

Aha, that game looks fun! Thanks for your review. Maybe it's something I could play when I get some time off, hehe.

Maybe you could 😂😂

Yap exactly the one I played on my mobile years ago never knew this game is still in the market though, I like because of the stunt being pulled

😂 well its my first time playing it..

Haha no wonder you sloping

I don't really like games that isn't multiplayer.

Mehhh multiplayer games have their own vibes altogether.
This is a chill game just for free offline time 😂😂

Plus multiplayer games wouldn't really be playable with low or no network...

That's true