All About That Truck Life: Forza 5 Horizon

in #hive-1402172 months ago

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

Gunning In Trucks!

Well that is something that sure as hell left me in a love hate relationship! Like I do love trucks but I've never really raced one until in this game! Of-course real life would be vastly and wildly different but we're not talking about real life now! We're talking about a video game and in the video game!

I have to say it sucked a great deal! Didn't have as much fun as I thought I would! But still I did have some fun it wasn't all gone! But what dissapointed me the most was that I couldn't get the tail out far enough! I really wanted to whip her out a bit!

Barely happened!


The Fights Were Harder!

Oh yeah for sure getting hit by a big old lumpy thing while you're driving a big lumpy thing! Now that can get extreme! Real and fast!

What I did was I pushed back a little but not a great deal just enough to keep me centered on the course I wanted to go by with! But it didn't always pan out in my favour though, laughs! That's okay though, that's what makes it all so great fun!

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Didn't Take The Big Cup!

Nope I didn't take the big cup home! I don't think I took any cup home at all! Well what would you have expected from a truck fueled race? I'd expect nothing more than slow moving bisons! Yeah keep in mind it's a bison! It can run through you and not even feel the sweat of it!

_But gearing down and expecting to gain a few miles doesn't work that way! Laughs you might get a nice breakdown and over ref of the engine and have it blow out on you! What really? Nah it's just a game, however there is a setting for that and I think I might hit it up a few times and see just how many motors I can blow up! I wonder if it'll have an effect of some kind? It might be cool, might be a waste of credits!_a

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As For The Race!

Well I ended up in third place! I would have loved to do better with my diesel truck but it seems it would not have it for me! Not this time though! Anyways I didn't get 1st but at the very least I got the podium ey! Now that was balling!

I'm not sure it counts as a win but I do hope so! I think it did clear it for me, the quest I had to complete, so it was a win win even if it wasn't exactly all that big of a win!!

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Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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One day I'm going to buy this car in real life hehehehe. The game sounds like a mixed bag of fun and frustration. Glad you enjoyed it despite the challenges though