Remember That Gorgeous Porche Of Mine? (Almost Had The Perfect Drift! ALMOST!)

in #hive-14021710 days ago

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

The Coco Is At It Again!

Laughs well this time around I didn't run anything "Festival" related... Nah I thought I might be doing some stuff according to the way I wanted to do it... More like practice than anything else really?

YEAHP I still need a lot of practice I might be coming right with the drifting and all that but I noticed that I am coming right with the short quick drifts... The medium to long and wide drifts are still a little tricky for me, but then again I am not drifting all those corners with cars that are built for drifting. NOPE I am just hitting them in cars that I find extra damned gorgeous@!

Cars like this "Porsche" of mine! HECK this is a beautifull one ey!

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A Shove And A Push!

Sometimes that is all we need in life right!

These bot cars were blocking up the road and it was like they went into panic mode and kept on stomping on the brakes!

I went ahead and helped a little with getting them out of the way! Just a little bump... Okay maybe a hard bump!
Hey don't judge I think it worked splendidly!


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I Really Played Around!

I even took some nice photos of the car! However I am not sure how to angle the camera lower... it has been my problem since day one and it might even be why I don't take so many photos... Because I can't go low enough!

It still looks damned beautifull though right!

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I Almost Had The Perfect Drift!

Heck I almost had it! ALMOST! But I wont beat myself up about it NAH! I am getting there! Baby steps ey! Baby steps!

I can't begin to explain the feeling of almost pulling off that drift, especially switching up the directions mid drift as well, I know what I did wrong and therefor I can improve upon that now, Kudos to that right!

I'll be needing to come visit this circle more often or perhaps I should start with a smaller circle first? Not sure yet, perhaps I should just throw myself in the deep end from the start!

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Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp (1).gif

There's Alot More To The Episode!

Well if the drifting doesn't interest you at all I did do a race as well and after the race I hit the mountain roads but then again that is more drifting too!

The mountain was a great deal of fun not going to lie, the race was superb! I almost didn't win but I managed to pull through at the end but that isn't my focus today... It was drifting and truth be told it might become my main focus now!


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Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Connecting the people of #HIVE across South Africa. #hive


@tipu curate


Yeah, your Porche is really gorgeous. I can't wait to try this game.

If only the game was real xD EY!

Well what's stopping you? You can play this for free if you have the Xbox game pass and if you don't have the pass it's very cheap to come by! Perhaps you should give it a try!

Well what's stopping you?

TIME. You see I installed Ghost of Tsushima and hardly getting time to continue the concept there so I'm waiting for finishing some games first before trying another masterpiece.

It amuses me that one of the cars you crashed into had a bicycle on the roof xd. I’ve never been into car games, but I admit that the few times I’ve tried one, it has been a relaxing experience. I tend to like the way they feel when driving. I also like how that capture looks in the afternoon/evening.