Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part thirty four

in #hive-1402178 days ago

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Settling on the Boathouse

Nearby to the bridge but further along it, one of the previous buildings with a power armour raider he had issues with was next to the bridge. It was found since Arghrash decided to run along instead of underneath, exploring and seeing where it leads.

The easier raider got set on fire with a nice molotov throw that had engulfed the area, before seeing the raider on fire to completely destroy them.

"Well looks like this might be a bit easier to clear it this time but the looting can wait until another time, when I am passing through the city and remember" he said to himself before looking for the power armour raider.

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After a short time scouring his eyes across the building did Arghrash find where the raider scum in the power armour, was hiding. Some laser shots and a molotov had been used to lure them out of hiding and do some damage. When they had come across and more out into the open, the laser fire was let loose in a barrage and this made the kill to be easier to accomplish compared to being a much lower level, like the original attempts.

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"Looks like the right hand side of the bridge goes away but has a section that comes back up and then over this left hand side I will be continuing along" he thought as he looked around at the direction of the bridge.

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Arghrash continued to run along the bridge until he found the lift to take him back to the ground level, allowing him to run through some water and go back to the Boathouse with no hassles from enemies.

When he got back, he got busy building to improve this place further. A recruitment radio beacon was constructed with a generator next to it, connected so it was powered on for seeking out people to join, for settlers to have a place to call home.

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After constructing a part of a fence to reduce the open roaming of any raiders coming this way, along with a strong door for the back of the Boathouse so nobody could get in and a lookout post for someone to stand watch in, a short rest was required.

Upon waking and heading downstairs, out the front was a couple of new settlers that had gotten to work right away. One worked the vegetables while one approached Arghrash. "We heard your radio message and came seeking refuge, I am helping to keep an eye on things while my friend works with those vegetables so we can help out" the settler announced as they were met by a warm welcome.

"Well since you are standing guard and I have a machine gun turret protecting the front too, I will give you some more bullets for your pipe pistol and eventually a better gun if you are staying" claimed Arghrash as he gave him more bullets.

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With the Boathouse now a bit safer, new settlers making themselves comfortable and some more supplies stored there it was back across the water and heading toward those quests that are yet to be completed.

It was going to be unexpected as to what Arghrash would run into this time.. "Oh crap that is a Deathclaw and it has sensed me" he said as he tooks some shots while it was roaring in preparation for its attack.

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The Deathclaw had gotten in nice and close while not being too damaged, startling Arghrash into quickly jumping back and barely being able to dodge it's attack. These close calls really take its toll on your heart and it's lucky for a young, healthy heart or at least he believes so after being frozen all that time.

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"Just die you bastard and stop getting up in my face" shouted Arghrash as a burning Deathclaw got close to him once again.

Some distance was gained which allowed weakening it to close to death.. it managed to hit him hard and badly damage Arghrash, injuring the arm and taking half of his health. The combat shotgun kept being unloaded and right before the Deathclaw got another mighty hit in for the kill, it was finally defeated, a breath of relief was let out and the body looted for the Deathclaw meat, hand and hide that is worth a bit when sold.

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This was Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part thirty four. Be sure to stay tuned to see what crazy things happen next and how Arghrash goes with surviving.

You can find Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part thirty three here

All screenshots taken are from my playthrough of Fallout 4 on survival mode.

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