Orcanorc's Magical Journey - A Skyrim Tale - Part Twenty Five

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Quest completion sees some fun

Windhelm has some interesting people along with some well trained ones too. Oengul is the castle's blacksmith and makes all their weapons, he went on to tell about Queen Freydis' sword in Ansilvund and asked if it could be retrieved.

"Don't worry we will get the sword and bring it back, should be an easy trip for my group" Orcanorc announced which made Oengul happy.

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While they were at the blacksmith's it was a good chance to smelt down some ore into additional ingots, in case they were to be used for some gear to be made and sold and some extra gold to be earned while freeing up some space. One of the new ingots created was two ebony ingots, he hadn't yet been able to make any.

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Before leaving Windhelm a couple of things were required so Orcanorc is a bit more prepared again. For starters buying more lockpicks from Niranye in case of any locked chests while exploring caves and other parts of Skyrim.

Or activating the Shrine of Talos here in order to remove diseases and other nasty things, while boosting him up with a blessing.

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Once he was done with Windhelm for now, it was back to Morthal to work on the quests that were picked up there.

"We should hit the inn, Orcanorc and take the wench there so she can get help" claimed Lydia as they looked around for and entered the inn.

Catarina the barmaid was able to help by taking in the wench while offering 800 gold for the hard work in getting her safely to an inn.

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Next up was to worked out the whole burned house and murder dilemma which meant Helgi's ghost was found at night. She went on to explain how Laelette the vampire was involved and could be found at night, be a grave just up the hill.

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It could have gone badly for Orcanorc had he not creeped up to do an execution on Laelette, he got lucky though and the strength he now has was enough.. to ensure she was easily taken care ofand could not get any damage out.

"Take this sneak attack blade and don't bother thinking you will survive through this attack" Orcanorc claimed during his executing of Laelette the vampire.

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Orcanorc talked to Thonnir about Laelette to get a better understanding of the situation behind these mysteries.. he mentioned about how stranger Alva had been acting lately and suggested investigating her house, to see if anything out of the ordinary could be found.

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After the group got into Alva's house to look around, Hroggar was found attacking the group for entering the premises so they quickly disposed of him. "Guess he won't be needing some of this nice loot, since he is dead. Do you both agree?" Orcanorc said to Lydia and Vorstag.

Lydia was a bit hesitant but agreed after Vorstag said he was onboard with it. The jewelery was the biggest part of the good loot gained, the other bits were picked out of course though.

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After finding Alva's journal they found out Hroggar was her guardian for her coffin, she was a vampire that was shown the path of black nights and red blood, by Movarth. This journal was required to take to the Jarl as evidence of what has been happening around Morthal.

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As they got back upstairs and were going to head out the door, some shouting was heard.

"You shouldn't be in my house, now you must die" Alva shouted while bringing Hroggar back to life for the fight.

Lydia took some damage early on while everyone laid in to Alva only and with this, over powered her so they could take a moment to ensure there was nothing else and discuss the next steps among themselves.

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The Elder Scrolls V  Skyrim Special Edition Screenshot 2024.11.13 -

This was Orcanorc's magical journey - A Skyrim tale - Part Twenty Five

Stay tuned for more adventures and tales of Orcanorc's journey through the lands of Skyrim.

You can find Orcanorc's Magical Journey - A Skyrim Tale - Part Twenty Four here

All screenshots taken are from my playthrough of Skyrim Special Edition with mods.

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