Pokemon Blue Venonat Starter - Part Four

in #hive-14021711 days ago

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This is a play through of Pokemon Blue by using RetroArch to emulate the game. I am randomising the Pokemon in areas with similar strength so it isn't completely randomised, while choosing three starters of similar types

Routing himself to the Mountain

Route four is split into the West side leading to Mt Moon and the Eastern side that goes to Cerulean City. First up would be to face off against the big group of trainers waiting for a battle, which was going to need multiple trips back into Pewter City, to heal at the Pokemon Center.

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First up would be the Lass sporting a Rattata and a Zubat. It was a pretty easy fight at least for the Zubat since Dratini would be able to use wrap to stop any damage being done to it, but the Rattata was more deadly and it did manage to use a few quick attacks along with tackle getting some good damage on Venonat.

With this battle it got Goliath's Venonat to level 11 but still no new move learned yet, Dratini didn't level but at least this was one trainer down and the next was about to be battled!

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Nothing very exciting came from the next battle against a Bug Catcher, with him having a Weedle, Kakuna and Magikarp which all were easily defeated.

After that though.. it was a bit tougher with the Youngster's Spearow at level eleven hitting hard and almost taking out Venonant but couldn't quite achieve that, so he brought out Zubat to try get a win which got Dratini down closer to fainting, unfortunately for the Youngster that wrap was just too good.

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Another Bug Catcher came up next and it was another lack luster battle, Magikarp, Metapod and then two Weedles but luckily it gave Venonat yet another level, hitting twelve which is still a bit low for his team.

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One of the more cooler battles was against a Lass with a Ditto that had transformed into a copy of Goliath's Venonat, after he had defeated a Pidgey. But the Dratini was a better choice for this battle and with the wrap doing the work like usual.. well it was onto level eleven for Dratini!

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It took a bit of time to continue going through these trainers due to how many there were and some having stronger Pokemon like one having a Male Nidoran, sitting at level fourteen which was the toughest one faced.

At least now that his Pokemon were a higher level, including the weaker ones like Rattata and Jigglypuff, he could heal at the Pokemon Centre next to Mt Moon before proceeding to head into Mt Moon.

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It was starting off with a level eleven Diglett the first trainer had so not too bad, Venonat and Rattata had almost fainted until Venonat got the last tackle off to secure the win, gaining that valuable experience and extra money.

A technical machine was found lying on the ground a little down from the trainer, this one held Water Gun which would be great if more Digletts appeared!

The logical choice was to make a weaker Pokemon learn it to also have another move at their disposal.. Rattata was chosen as the Jigglypuff had sing to help it out.

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The trip into Mt Moon was soon to be short lived. A Lass was the next fight and while Jigglypuff was able to do a lot of damage to that high level Paras by using sing and pound, Rattata was required to finish the job while gaining a good amount of experience. Unfortunately he had to leave right after this fight and heal his Pokemon, ready to continue progressing.

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Emulator used: RetroArch with a Gameboy Colour core
ROMS: Pokemon Blue after being put through the randomiser
Saving: (Used for quick loading and for getting back to before I had all Pokemon faint, if I lose and so it is quicker.)

This was Pokemon Blue Venonat Starter - Part Four

Stay tuned to see how I go with leveling, what team I am using and my journey as I progress through Pokemon Blue.

You can find Pokemon Blue Venonat Starter - Part Three here

All screenshots taken are from my playthrough of Pokemon Blue with randomised same level areas and using Venonat as the starter.

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