DBZ stands for Fight and fun. If you already know the history of Anime with this game you will enjoy alternate stories beyond the death of Buu. You will meet new Trunks tasked with traveling through time while playing Dragon Zenda.
In DBZ Shin Budokai, in addition to being able to play with every one of your favorite characters, you can also unlock more iconic Dragon Ball characters with whom you can fight to perfect your techniques.
Different fighting modes will be present such as Arcade, Survival, Against the Clock, and of course the story mode where we can learn all the alternate stories of Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai.
We can also train and buy some helpful items in the store for the fights. In training mode, we can try and get every one of the combos to perfect our fighting style.
Either on an Emulator or on the PSP itself, Dragon Ball Shin Budokai is a fighting title that will leave you having fun and you will also be able to learn about the stories of one of the most famous anime in the world.
The video and images were taken with the OBS Software and recorded directly from the PSP with the RemoteJoy App.
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