En este punto, luego de tener una presión constante de los enemigos en nuestra base (vean el mapa como no tenemos torres de inhibidores) logramos hacernos de un dragón ancestral, que elimina a los enemigos con bajo porcentaje de vida, lo que nos permitió luchar el baron nashor mas cómodamente, inclusive contra el top enemigo que tenía mucha resistencia. Dos veces tuvimos que hacer este dragón ancestral para poder hacernos de la victoria, y aunque Jhin y Vladimir no jugaron tan bien, pudimos entendernos con Veigar y Lux para darnos una buena victoria... una victoria tardia.
At this point, after having constant pressure from the enemies on our base (look at the map, we don't have any inhibitor towers) we managed to get an ancient dragon, which eliminates enemies with low health percentage, which allowed us to fight Baron Nashor more comfortably, even against the enemy top who had a lot of resistance. We had to do this ancient dragon twice to be able to get the victory, and although Jhin and Vladimir didn't play so well, we were able to get along with Veigar and Lux to give us a good victory... a late victory.
Marque con rojo que eliminamos al tanque rival, y en amarillo las cajas que puedo colocar con mi habilidad W para impedir la entrada de los enemigos, ya que, si lograban robarme este objetivo, seguramente perderíamos la partida, así que este fue el segundo dragón ancestral que conseguimos, lo que nos dio la victoria luego de una teamfight durante el objetivo.
I marked in red that we eliminated the enemy tank, and in yellow the boxes that I can place with my W ability to prevent the enemies from entering, since, if they managed to steal this objective from me, we would surely lose the game, so this was the second ancient dragon that we got, which gave us the victory after a teamfight during the objective.
Mi cara luego de terminar una partida que duro casi una hora, algo indudablemente cansador, que no dude en compartirlas a ustedes, y me gustaria saber si les parece bien que traiga gameplays asi con camara y microfono, los leere en los comentarios.
My face after finishing a game that lasted almost an hour, something undoubtedly tiring, which I did not hesitate to share with you, and I would like to know if it is okay for you to bring gameplays like this with a camera and microphone, I will read them in the comments.
Fonts used for the creation of the cover
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Thanks for reading, huge hug from ydaiz⭐
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