About a famous celebrity in Myanmar and my activities today in amazing game🤩

in #hive-1402176 months ago

About today post I want to show and share with you about one of the amazing girl in Myanmar.Before that man today is a rough day for me 😔 I got a slightly problem at my work so if my writing goes wrong in anyways my apologies 🙏

So the girl I going to represent to you is or proud Miss Asia Pacific World winner "May Myat Noe".Umm..I'm gonna be honest I don't know much about her but I'm familiar with her activities because I know that she is a miss winner in Myanmar and I have read plaabout her article in online. Don't think me wrong I know not because of what I read in online.I also watched the show when is lived.😅Man I gotta tell you dyamnnn...they are pretty and elegant (of course I am a man too I like girls 😆)
Ohh... almost forgot she is not only winner in Miss Asia but also a being a Asia's Top Model.And she is also a inspiration to my sister (I don't think she will look like her🙄) well supported brother am I😎

May Myat Noe
Note:I do not own this image

Man...she is one hell of a beauty ❤️ I really don't know much about her but I want to share one of our country pride.So without further a do I gonna share to you guys one of her song. Although it's seem not much but when you carefully listen to the song I'm sure you will like it.The Song name is"Way to come" "လာရာလမ်းလေး"
I can't show you the song because I don't want to get copyright if you want to listen just copy the song name that I have shown.
ဝရံတာမှာ မေးလေးထောက်ကာ
အတူတူဆုံတုန်းလေး ငါနာရီတွေမေ့
အချိန်တန်တော့ နှုတ်ဆက်ကာ
အတူတူဆုံတုန်းလေး ငါနာရီတွေမေ့
အချိန်တန်တော့ နှုတ်ဆက်ကာ
တစ်ပတ်လောက်ကို မတွေ့ဖြစ်ကြရင်
မိုးလင်းက မိုးချုပ်ထိငါ
Telephone ဘေးမှာပဲ
မတွေ့ရလဲ စကားသံကြားရင်
ချိန်ထားတဲ့ နေ့တို့ ရောက်အောင်
တို့ဆုတောင်းနေမယ် မဆုံခင်ဆို

Although you don't understand any of this lyrics but after when you listen to the song,I convinced that you guys will like it 😀 So after sharing about "May Myat Noe" shall we go to take a look what I have done in my favourite Blockchain game.The game called Risingstar is my first game that I have benn playing when I was first introduced the ecency app by my friend.As a normal player I started at slow and now I'm proud of where I am right now.My current game stats are like this👇
Significantly increasing my fans to 8090(15 drunk fans included) and my lucks to 1350 and my skills at 9467 and my IM at 143 and proudly owned 151 cards and these cards collection come from doing missions in game and joining giveaways that are doing in this app.My current at 51 and my ego is 1% because I just opened the pack yesterday so my balance between fans and skill has a little crumble but you can manage or re-balance by doing musical lessons.That is why I always do my musical lessons after doing some main missions.And I like to show you my today's mission that I have ✅
|1|Illegal Busking|1|
|2|Open Mic Night|2|
|3|Mid Week Support|2|
|4|Midweek Headline Slot|1|
|5|Saturday Headline |1|
|6|Guitar lesson|1|
| | | | | | | | | Total missions |8|

I completed 8 missions throughout the day and I'm happy about that because it's not easy to do missions when you are working at your work at the same time (I have to do it sneaky because our company law is that no phone using allow when we are at work) and the amazing parts and proud moment of this game is my overall processes.Look at that I completed over 1000 missions over a few months isn't that great 👍 I know I can do it better but as I said it's hard to use your phone when we are at work so I take it slow and steady.Anyway I will now show you my current overall mission progresses

1Illegal Busking315
2Open Mic Night206
3Mid Week Support111
4Licensed Busking40
5Midweek Headline Slot23
6Saturday Support26
7Saturday Headline80
8Basic Singing Lesson65
9Guitar Lesson69
10Production Lesson19
11Piano Lesson105
12Drum Lesson9
Total missions1069

I show these photos because I want to show you the proof that I actually did these missions no offence nothing wrong 🙏
And every time or every one of my post I always say that Risingstar is my favourite play to earn game. It will not change whether it was past or present,it will be the same for me also in the upcoming future.I will be always sharing and keeping updating about my game status and also sharing about one of our country musicians.So let's end my story here and also hope my writings are readable for you guys😅 Anyway have a great day 🫶
Peace ✌️


Sending Love and Ecency Vote!