Micro Balcony Garden Journal 2024 - Nov 3 / マイクロバルコニーの記録

in #hive-1406353 months ago

This October was unseasonably warm here in Germany, but now that November has arrived, temperatures are finally dropping. The high is around 10°C. I don’t mind the crisp, cold weather if it’s sunny, but autumn and winter here tend to be quite rainy. I wonder what kind of fall and winter we’ll have this year.

On my balcony, each plant seems to be following its own pace—some growing slowly, some withering as it gets colder. Surprisingly, my strawberry plant is still bearing fruit! Last month, I mentioned that I had October strawberries for the first time in my life, and now there are November strawberries. This plant hasn’t put out any runners, so I won’t be able to propagate it that way, but it’s grown so large that I’m planning to divide it once spring arrives.

November strawberries

The winter greens are doing well—especially the purslane, which is growing energetically ... I think I over-seeded it though. I usually chop purslane to eat raw on Japanese bowls, but I’ve found there are recipes that cook it, so I’d like to try some Western-style dishes with it this winter. Following winter purslane, Lamb’s lettuce and shungiku (chrysanthemum greens) are also sprouting here and there.

A bit over sown purslane ...

Lambs lettuce comes out as well!

I’ve been reading Compost by Charles Dowding, a leading figure in the no-dig gardening, and it’s got me rethinking how I make compost. Dowding recommends adding compost as mulch once a year in autumn. Following this advice, I recently laid compost in my planters while making my "plant lasagna". However, on my small balcony, a 2.5 cm layer of compost feels a bit thick, so I’ve decided to spread compost both in spring and autumn for a more balanced approach. Here is my plan.

Micro Balcony Compost Plan

Every winter and summer, I pile up kitchen scraps and other organic waste from balcony to make compost in two months, then let it rest for six months. After about eight months, the compost is ready for use in spring and autumn. Recently, I finished piling up summer compost materials a bit later than planned, and they’re now resting. Every time I look at my compost pile or take photos of it, I remember the beautiful compost photos shared by @anttn.

Goodnight, Compost

On November 1, the new moon day, I prepared the half-dried herbs and other plants I had set aside on the last full moon day. That evening, I smudged herbs on the balcony and took some time to think about my goals for the next weeks and months. I heard that wishes can reach sky (?) more easily on a new moon night without moon light.

Dried herbs

New moon night

I collected a few branches to use on the next full moon. Drying herbs indoors is fine in winter, but next summer, I’d like to make a drying space on the balcony to take advantage of the sunlight for drying flowers and vegetables.

Herbs for next full moon day

And... there was an exciting moment in the kitchen this week! After Hive Fest, I planted some fig seeds from the absolutely delicious figs that @livinguktaiwan brought to the event. A little over a month later, something seems to have sprouted 👀! I used good potting soil, covered the seeds with plastic wrap, and placed them indoors, so I don’t think it’s a weed. I really hope it’s a fig seedling! I only have one, though, so I’m not 100% sure yet. In my mind, I already see it growing into a tree with ripe figs, and I’ve been watching YouTube videos about fig farming non-stop. 😆

Fig Seedling

So, this was the latest journal entry from my micro balcony garden as we head into winter in Germany. There are just two months left in the year—will I manage to keep up with my garden journal until the end? I’ll do my best to continue as long as I can.

Wishing everyone a happy Sunday. Happy gardening!

🪴 🪴 🪴







このところNo Digと呼ばれる欧米の不耕起栽培の第一人者Charls Dodwingさんの『Compost』という本を読んでいて、コンポストの作り方を見直しています。本では年に一度秋にコンポストでマルチする方法が紹介されていて、私も先日、プランターに植物のラザニアを作った時にコンポストを敷きました。ただ、私の小さなバルコニーのプランターでは厚さ2.5cmでコンポストをまくのは少し厚すぎるのかなと感じて、春と秋にまくスケジュールを作ってみました。


冬と夏に2ヶ月ほど生ごみなどを集めてコンポストを作って、そのあと半年寝かせて、8ヶ月かけて春と秋にコンポストができあがる感じです。先日ちょっと遅れてちょうど夏仕込みのコンポストがたまり、寝かせる期間に入りました。コンポストを見て写真を撮るたびに、@anttn さんのコンポストの写真がきれいだったなあと思い出します。我が家のもかわいいですけど 😁







そして・・・今週は台所で小躍りする事件がありました。Hive Festで @livinguktaiwan さんがホストからもらって会場に持ってきてくれたそれはそれはおいしいイチヂクの種から芽が出たかもしれません 👀 Hive Festから戻って、一ヶ月と少し前に種をとってまいて、待ちに待っていたら、何かが出ている!育苗用のきちんとした土を使って、サランラップをかけて屋内に置いていたので、雑草ではないはず。イチヂクであってほしいです。ただ、これ一つだけなので、まだ自信が持てないんですよね。でも頭の中ではもう木になって実がなっていて、このところYouTubeでイチヂク農家の動画を見まくっています 😆



みなさんよい日曜日を。Happy Gardening!





You still have strawberries in october? That's quite late.
You're doing well with limited space!
Nice halloween nails too by the way 😉

They are even there in November. It's definitely first time in my life 🍓

I must have Halloween nails with a self worn pumpkin or two next year 😁 I couldn't make it this year ...

Wow!! That's so exciting! Sending you and the fig seedling loads of energy!!

Thanks @livinguktaiwan! I’ll try my best 💪

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