The past few days here in eastern Germany have felt almost like spring, with temperatures climbing close to 10°C. I couldn’t resist stepping out onto the balcony to enjoy the warmth after a long stretch of winter.
Seeing how well my yuzu tree was doing despite the cold encouraged me to research the cold tolerance of kumquats. Apparently, they can withstand temperatures as low as -10°C! So, earlier this month, I moved my kumquat tree outside. It hadn’t been thriving indoors, where the air tends to be stagnant even we open windows two times a day, and its leaves had collected dust. Now, out on the balcony, it looks much livelier. Encouraged by this, I also brought out the lemon tree, which had also been looking sad indoors. With the current mild weather, they seem to be doing just fine outdoors. I wish the lemon tree recovers.
Some sources suggest that lemon trees can survive sub-zero temperatures at night, as long as they’re brought indoors during particularly harsh cold spells. I’ll continue monitoring my lemon tree to see how it handles this weather. It's learning by doing as always 😉
While it’s warming up, it’s still too early for planting any plants. This week, I focused on planning the gardening schedule for February through December. My aim for this year is to keep things manageable, sticking to staple plants while introducing small variations, like trying out new varieties. For example, my daughter loves tomatoes as I do, so I picked up a balcony tomato seed set during a recent visit to Manufactum, a lifestyle shop in Berlin. These are all varieties I’ve never grown before, and my daughter's favorite so far is the amusingly named Fuzzy Wuzzy. While the descriptions sound promising, I’m excited to see what they’ll actually look and taste like.
For now, my balcony is brightened by corn salad, purslane, and hardy herbs. But I’ve added kale and leek to my May and June schedule. They’re inexpensive to buy, but I think having them on the balcony would add a nice visual touch—and my daughter would love it too.
Indoors, my Hive fig tree, microgreens, and sprouts are doing well. The largest Hive fig tree is ready for repotting, so I’ve ordered some soil that should arrive early next week.
This week, I also visited a community garden that my friend rents a plot. There are three potential plots available: a small, empty lot; a larger plot with a building that was maintained nicely by an elderly couple; and half of a large plot that my friend doesn't much use. The price varies depending on the features, but the initial costs are only a few hundred euros, with an annual utility fee of about 150 euros. It’s hard to pass up such an opportunity, even though it’s a 30-minute bike ride from my home. I’ve asked for cost estimations and am leaning toward giving it a try!
I hope to share good news about the garden soon. Until then, wishing you all a wonderful Sunday. Happy gardening 🌱
改めて調べてみると、夜間はマイナス気温でも大丈夫というウェブサイトもあり、ものすごく寒い日だけ中に入れればよいのかもしれません。もう少し暖かい日が続くようなので様子を見てみようと思います。まさに learning by doing です 😉
暖かくなったとはいえ、外での作業や種まきにはまだ早く、今週は2月から12月までの計画を立てていました。今年は無理をしすぎず、定番の植物に集中して、品種を変えるなどして、少し変化も取り入れることにしました。たとえば、子供も大好きなトマトは、先日訪れたベルリンのライフスタイルショップManufactumでバルコニー向けのトマトの種のセットを買ってきました。どれも育てたことのない品種で、子供のお気に入りは愉快な名前のFuzzy Wuzzyです。説明は読んでみたものの、文字だけではイメージがわかず。でも、どんなトマトがなるのか楽しみです。
それではみなさん素敵な日曜日を。Happy gardening!