Hello garden lovers, this week I experienced many failures and very low yields, the high monsoon season has made something of a total difference to the income of my garden this week.
Some are in bloom and some are in fruiting season and that is the situation that has been going on in the last few days, the current weather is rainy season, many fruits are rotten due to prolonged rains, part of my garden has several types of plants that are being a different season for the fruiting season, I have many plants in my garden and some of them are blooming and changing, I am quite worried about the current conditions, heavy rains make my garden in danger of flooding, many plants die and the fruit rots during the rain a few weeks.
Very busy and I don't have time to rest for the whole day, keep on hunting picking and saving crops like vegetables, tomatoes and cabbage is very influential for high rainfall, I invite my family to hunt pick all the tomatoes and cabbage but everything is not resolved during the day, I was very worried about the difficult conditions during this month.
Many tomatoes were not ready to be picked in the garden, rotted and could not be picked up, the high water puddles made the garden submerged for days, all of them could not be saved, I had to spend a lot of extra energy, my family was also very busy helping in the garden, all of them almost can't be picked this harvest season, it's a shame during this time, the heavy rain failed the harvest in the garden so I really felt the loss but this was greatly affected by the heavy rain, so many plants could not be saved.
Only a few sacks my family and I managed to pick some of the cabbage, our garden was badly damaged so our harvest failed badly. I think this is a bad harvest time for me, being myself is best to face the high monsoon season, lots of rotting fruit and vegetables die in the flood for days, I can't imagine this condition, my plantation trip in this failed year, the harvest obtained was unstable and insufficient. I think summer will soon come in early December, although many plants in the garden are not producing maximum results and I am also planning to replant with the same type of plants.