Today I'm going to show you what we've been working for this gardening season. It's the time of the year when the fruit of our work is starting to appear. Come with me to show you what we have so far.
These are the cherry tomatoes that are starting to ripe this time of the year. These are not the tiny ones you buy at the grocery store, these are a bit bigger and very delicious. I had quite a few already and taste very good. The majority is still green, but it's the middle of July still, there's time for them to ripe.
This is the ox heart I believe. These are big and have less juice, thus perfect for eating and making tomato sauce or even juice as it's going to be thick.
To show you how big these are.
This is a different type, I don't know what it is called, but it's just as big as the other type, or even bigger. These are also good for everything, eating them fresh, making sauce or juice.
Some of you have told me I have a green thumb. Now I have green nails too 😂. These are not exactly for gardening, but the tomatoes and the cucumbers don't mind as my nails look like them.
Peppers are looking good. This is the biggest one and I may take this home with me. They still need time to ripe, but there are a few ready to be harvested.
Cucumbers are exceptional this year. It's like the growth is never ending. There were years when we could barely harvest any. This year the crop is abundant. See? My nail polish is almost the same color, just a different shade 😂
The biggest one is mine, I use it to hydrate my skin. It's the best and healthiest natural skin hydration.
Look at these beauties. Cute as a cucumber, isn't it?
This is the celery. We use the leaves and the roots as well and I think they are ready to be harvested soon.
Eggplants we only have a few as the soil is not really suitable fr growing them here. Those brought from south are way better, so there's no point in wasting time with them. We're going to grill them tomorrow I think, let's see how the eggplant cream will turn out.
Beetroots. We have a love-hate relationship with them, or them with us? There years when we get none. Last year we had plenty and this year seems to be the same. God knows what's going on here. Maybe the seeds are different. I have no idea, but I'm glad we got some as I love beetroot pickles.
We've been harvesting raspberries for a few weeks now as they don't ripe all at once and put them in the freezer. Today it was the day for making jam. We've got 24 jars or pure raspberry jam. This is the first harvest as there will be the next one in September.
These are already in the cellar. Green beans with tomato sauce and cucumber pickles. Ready to be eaten.
There's still the tomato season to come, when we make juice and sauce, peppers need to grow a bit more, onions need to be harvested. I forgot to mention, we have squash as well, made pottage recently and was heavenly good. All in all we can't complain. This year is good so far.
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