Isn't that the god honest truth! Hey fellow garden nerds:) Here it is in the middle of November, and I am still hanging in there seeing if I can manage to produce a mature Yellow Watermelon, among other things. The real goal is to get 1 or 2 Yellow Watermelons. I still have to redeem myself from this years misidentifying a Squash for a Watermelon. If you are just tuning in, and wondering what the heck I am talking about(as must do), let me briefly fill you in.
So above is one of the actual vines I was so sure it was a Watermelon for most of the grow season. I was so excited to get some sweet Watermelons. Although I am not a huge fan, it is something that is surely more enjoyable then a Chilacayote Squash. Which is what it actually was, and I did not find out up until I took a mature Melon, and cut it open. But it was not a total fail. Turns out this varietal is rich in vitamin B8, and perfect in soups!
The one that you see in this post is actually one that I cut back, and is about to give me a second harvest. Now that I know more about Chilacayote Squash, I will get to enjoy them more. Turns out it is better to harvest before they get mature. Just this one vine is going to give me more then 3 of them at the middle of the year!
In fact I had to cut some of it back, just to focus more growth into the bigger fruits.
This will be a completion of a full circle. Since this started from seed in my compost heap, it will end its life in the compost.
Since last update I went ahead, and put the other rescued Pumpkin in the ground.
The nights have been cold, but days are warm. Slowing things down a bit.
Underneath this layer of dirt is corn husks, to hopefully help the roots stay warm.
The other rescued Pumpkin is looking healthy, but I have doubts on if I will see any actual Pumpkin.
Which is maybe all that I am doing. Making material to add to the compost. Which means will be used next year. All in all, I can not complain. As each day passes I see my little baby Yellow Watermelons persevere. Maybe, just maybe I will get to have my cake, and eat it too. Or maybe I will be stuck with the tasteless Squash. Those for sure are coming. Or maybe not.
One edible plant that I am growing, and it is growing like a beast is my Nasturtium at home. This plant loves the shade, and loves my back yard! It all started from one little transplant. I really did not think it would take off like this. This place used to be so ugly, and with the occasional weed. Even though I can grow much due to lack of sunshine, I am happy with what I got. So if I do end up with little berry sized Yellow Watermelon's, I still have plenty to be happy for. Most of all, excited for next year. But just it isn't over yet. so stay tuned. ;)