[ENG] Take a look at my little garden! 💚

in #hive-1406357 months ago

Hey there, Hive!✨

This is my first time in this community that I honestly had some time wanting to join. The truth is that although I love nature I never had the chance to have my own garden. But since a couple if years ago I started growing my own plants and today I wanted to show them to you 💚


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As you can read in the cover of my post, the plants I own for now are all cactus and succulents. I adore this type of plants because they require basic care and lots of sun, both things I can easily provide. And keeping in mind that in my country we have a tropical type of weather, this plants are the easiest to take care of and the more likely to survive to the heat wave that we're going through (temperature has been over 36° C the past five months or so).

My collection has been growing slowly but surely, so I'll show you the ones I have so far

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This one was originally just one plant when a friend of my mom gave it to her, she didn't wanted it because she didn't like it, thinking it was "ugly". I quickly went to plant it trying to save it because it was in a really bad state, I honestly didn't had faith that it will make it but to my surprise it did! And had plenty of babys.

I have given away a few of them, this is a plant that to me looks nice and sort of elegant. And now there's more shoots coming up


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Echeveria Prolifica


True to its name, this is a very prolific type of succulent. It grows fast and wide, looking absolutely gorgeous and it even sprouts tiny flowers that look very cute. I've also given away plenty of these since they're so many.

The look delicate and cute. It's one of my favorite.


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Pachyveria "Royal Flush"


Here's where I started googling the plant's name because I didn't knew it when these where given to my mom as a gift. Now I know that they're a Pachyveria and it's also one of my favorites. It looks like bananas hahaha

It's actually a pretty big succulent that also spreads pretty quickly. I just love it


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Dudleya Gnoma


My mother-in-law gave this one to me and it's actually really cute. I knew I had to take good care of it since it was a gift from her and here it is, green and pretty.

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Graptopetalum paraguayense "Mother Pearl"


Just look at this beauty, it's stunning. I have anything else to say, it's just my favorite.

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Discocactus araneispinus


This one has me excited since last December when my mother-in-law also gave it to me. It's a cactus that will sprout a flower. Not yet since it is very small still but I really really want to see that flower because I'm sure it will be gorgeous


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Haworthiopsis limifolia "Crocodile Skin"


Another small gift that looks and feels as the name recalls, like a crocodile. The texture is weird and it's very pointy on the ends. It's a really weird looking succulent but I like it.

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Opuntia monacantha


I had a hard time finding out the name but I got it! This cactus looks like... A bunch of tangled cactus hahaha. At first glance it's like way too much but I really like how it looks so full and kind of falls down the edge. My mom hates it because she says that "it makes no sense" but I love it.


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Cereus tetragonus "Fairy Castle"


Or as I call it, "the warrior". My youngest brother found it on the streets, just laying there not buried and decided to take it home. He didn't even planted it because he thought someone else will do it but actually, we all forgot to. But suddenly one day we saw it standing in the ground like somebody did plant it but actually it just stick to the ground by it self! I don't know how nor even if it is possible, but I think that the nickname I gave it is pretty accurate hahaha.

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So this is my small garden. I hope to get more plants in the future to make it bigger and prettier. By the way, I'm really amateur in this area so if you have any recommendations I would truly appreciate it if you leave a comment below.

Thank you so much for reading my post! 🖤 Feel free to leave a comment

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📸Cover and banners edited by me on Canva using its copyright-free elements. All pictures are mine 📸


It is true that they require little and simple care, but even so all my succulents died haha how sad! 😂

How beautiful they are, I can tell you know how to take care of them very well, all beautiful even if your mother says that Sansevieria was ugly haha the banana cactus caught my attention, I will call it banana cactus, it looks like a mini palm tree with bananas, how nice ❤️

Cactus are the most extravagant plants I have ever seen, not to mention the flowers they have, exotic and unique. There is a huge variety and some of them look like flowers, what a beautiful garden, my friend, I love it! 🦉 ❤️

Oh it happened to me as well! My two first succulents died, in my case because I thought they needed less sun than a cactus but it's the opposite, they need as much sun or even more! I also was watering them a lot, so basically I drown them 😅

Yes, my mom doesn't like the Opuntia cactus but I love it hahaha. And the banana cactus is one of my favorites, it definitely looks like bananas.

These are truly wonderful plants that look really nice and unique.

Thank you so much for your kind words and for your support, my friend 💚

hermosas fotos, en casa también hay varios tipos de suculentas, tienes una variedad interesante.

¡Muchas gracias! Este tipo de plantas me parecen hermosas

Beautiful garden

Thank you so much!