Starting my Chive Crops

in The MINIMALIST2 years ago

A big greeting to all gardeners and farmers in the community of HIVEGARDEN a community that allows us to exchange our experiences on different crops, both in orchards and in the field The truth is that here in the community you always learn a lot about crops.

On this occasion I am going to show you my chive crops in the open field and in seedbeds, this crop begins with the preparation of the seedbeds, because chives are grown by transplanting, so 45 days ago I prepared the seedbeds chives and in this time the seedlings have already reached an average height of 12 centimeters, so I have to have the beds ready to proceed with the transplant, so these days I have been busy preparing the raised beds because from the Next week I will start with the transplant stage.


Starting my Chive Crops

Yes friends, as I was saying, 45 days ago I began to plant chives, this crop is done by transplanting, so the first thing I did was make the seedlings to obtain the plants that will later be transplanted into the beds.

Preparation of Seedbeds:


Seedlings at 14 days:


Seedlings suitable for transplanting:
When the seedlings are between 45 and 50 days old and, in turn, have reached a height of between 12 and 15 centimeters, the transplant is carried out, so it is convenient to have the beds prepared, because the plants cannot be left there for a long time, because they will compete for light among themselves and will begin to grow very thin and weaken, this situation will significantly influence production.

Images of the Chive Seedbeds at 45 days:


As you have seen, in 45 days, the seedlings have a good size and thickness, which means that they are ready for the transplant, so this week I was preparing the raised beds to proceed with the transplant, I had not made these beds before because the rains were very strong, thank God this week there was good sun, and I took the opportunity to do this work.

Making the raised beds:

The truth is that the sun these days has been quite strong, so I decided to start work very early in the morning, from 5:30 in the morning to 9:30 in the morning and in the afternoon from 3:30, the sun is really exhausting and because of my age, especially because of my health, I cannot expose myself much to the sun, at least at this rate of work I have managed to make 12 flowerbeds 18 meters long and 1, 10 meters wide, I think it is a good performance, although I still need 25 more beds, today I took this day to rest while my compadre continues with the cleaning and leveling of the land, I think that by Friday I will return to the farm to continue preparing the rest of the beds.



How raised beds for crops are made

Well friends, the first thing is to move the land well, either by hand or with the use of an agricultural tractor, in this case I prepared the land with the agricultural tractor, I gave the land two passes of harrow so that it would be very loose and free of clods.

After moving the earth well, proceed to level the earth with the use of rakes, here you have to erase all the marks or furrows left by the tractor harrow, it is also important to collect the remains of weeds that remain in the earth after the plow.

For the preparation of the raised flowerbeds it is advisable to mark the area of ​​these beds, for this you have to use thread and some stakes, in this case I made the beds 1.10 meters wide and 18 meters long, then Marking the area, proceed to level the ground with the use of the rake, ensuring that the flower beds are at least 12 centimeters from the ground, leaving paths between the flower beds.

Well friends, in the next few days I will be showing you the progress and development of my chive crops, I hope that with this information you will be motivated to cultivate these plants which are part of the condiments of the meals, greetings and even another publication.


Wow; this is amazing! From field preparation to the seeds sowing. I could see that a lot have been done on the Chive growing. I would be anticipating a good harvest. Thanks so much.

Amen, thanks for your good wishes, greetings.

It's good to start working early in the morning. It's too hot outside. Glad to know you take care of your health while farming.

After two and a half years, I returned to my farm to continue growing vegetables, my physical conditions are not the same as 3 years ago but here I am doing things little by little, greetings.