A few days back while i tidy up the yard, i paid a closer look to this little guy whom to be honest, i never imagined would come this far to being reproductive and of benefit at all.
The soil here had been well gravelled and some months ago i realize some pepper seeds germinating out from the spot probably because we dispose them there more often after being use in the kitchen so, i overlooked at the sprout, thinking it would eventually wither off due to the unfavorable condition of the soil I mean, growing on gravels, that's a 0.5% out of 100% of survival and more over, there's no good moisture and there is an over exceeding amount of sunlight, obviously i was expecting it to dry up in no time but to my greatest bewilderment.
Well, i guess this is one perfect scenario to perfectly describe the famous quote "judge not a book by it's cover" or better still, "Allow the corpse die before burying." Because i would have rooted that sprout long ago as I never expected this beautifully looking vegetable yielding under such a catastrophe.
It's so adorable that I can't help my eyes staring at the shinny red whenever i walk pass the vicinity. You know that tingly feeling you have when your crops begin to bare fruits? The awe, satisfaction, felling of fulfilment, paid off labour and etcetera Just like having a new born baby, the joy, happiness.
I was thinking of a way to help, first idea that came to my mind was relocating to a more favorable location probably in the garden which is also called transplanting but this idea came from the left side of my thinking obviously because transplanting doesn't work that way.
I would rather clear out some gravels from around the stems and roots then replace them with fertilizers instead. i think that should do for the main time while the vegetable saves me and my stomach. Pardon me if peppers aren't vegetables anyways cause i'm used to tomatoes already hehh..
It's been almost a year since i last published anything related to plant or crops cause i've been away from the garden for quite a while, wrapping my head around some other factors at the moment but keenly waiting for the next fall season so I can set up a spectacular garden even better than the previous ones i've blogged in the past.
But well, i came across this little inspiration and decided to share so you could see through my eyes. I hope you enjoyed it? Until I'm done setting up my garden, I'll be glad to publish every single bit of it until then, keep hiving and cheers 🥂.
NB: Images are mine