What a pleasure it is to be able to nip to the garden on Christmas Eve and pick this lot!
We had been saving one carrot for this moment.
Luna wanted to be the one who picked it.
She tried her best but the carrot won in the end.
Stand aside says Esteban, I'll deal with this.
No problemo ;)
Nothing better than the taste of a freshly picked carrot.
Or freshly picked spinach, which Esteban really enjoys.
Two types of lettuce, rocket, spinach, beetroot and our one beloved carrot. Throw in some parsley we have in our courtyard and that will do nicely as a 100% home grown salad.
Love the way the beans look in this bed, poking out from their layer of leaves.
Give it a few months and she will look a whole bunch different to today.
So, that's it. Just wanted to share some love with you on Christmas Eve.
Thanks to all who took the time to respond to Esteban's swollen adenoid problem. I feel sure that with the help of this amazing community we will figure this problem out once and for all.
Merry Christmas everyone and of course, we are sending you our Love & Light 🌱